What should I double major in?

I know a lot of people out there are struggling to make it with just a journalism degree, so what should I double major in so that I look better to employers once I graduate? I’m going to Northwestern. I don’t wanna do Poli Sci because basically every journalism major who double majors does that. Any advice or tips? Thanks! I want a career in sports broadcasting in the future, but the major doesnt have to be specific to that.

You could either double major in something that would be beneficial to what kind of journalism you’d like (in this case, sports journalism), or something that you would like if journalism didn’t work out. Really, anything. What are your interests? Business is another popular one aside from polisci.

@CE527M well, I am into economics and finance, but I’m not a strong math student. I know I want to be in a field related to media. So idk how that would play out

computer science would be good

If there is a major or minor dealing with web, social media, etc - those are skills you will need.