What should my SAT be?

<p>Virginia Tech is definitely one of my top choices and I was hoping you guys could help me out and give me an SAT range I should aim for to get in. (I know that it all depends, blah, blah, blah). I'll post my stats below. I know I should aim for the highest SAT possible but I'd like a range to aim for. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes or whatever, I rushed through this.</p>

Instate - SoVa
Magnet School – Medical Academy
Unweighted GPA – 3.777
Weighted GPA – 4.156
Rank 10/420 – Top 2.4% of class
Asian – Male
Hopefully get in as a bio major.
SAT – ???</p>

<p>Courses Taken:
(* = AP/Weighted Classes)
12th –
AP Calculus BC*
AP Government*
AP Physics*
HAS Pathophysiology II*
Medical Research/Scientific Research and Writing
HAS Honors English 12
Spanish 5</p>

<p>11th –
AP Chemistry – B*
AP US History – A*
AP Psychology – A*
HSA Pathophysiology I – A*
Microbiology/Hereditary Medicine – A<em>/A</em>
Math Analysis – A
HSA Honors English 11 – B
Spanish 4 – A</p>

<p>10th –
AP Biology – A*
AP European History – A*
HSA Anatomy – A*
Medical Illustrations/Anatomical Architecture - A/A
HSA Honors English 10 – A
HSA Chemistry – A
HSA Algebra 2/Trig – B
Spanish 3 – A</p>

<p>9th –
HSA Honors English 9 – B
HSA Geometry – A
HSA World History – A
HSA Biology – A
HSA Health Occupations – A
Spanish 2 – A
PE/Health 9 – A</p>

<p>Extracurricular/School Activities:
National Honors Society – Treasurer – 10th, 11th
Medical Honors Society – 10th, 11th
Science Club – Founder/Vice President – 10th, 11th
Soccer – Captain during 10th grade – 9th, 10th
Athletic Trainer – 10th, 11th
Environmental Club – 10th, 11th
Chess Club – 10th, 11th
Future Business Leaders of America – 10th, 11th
Interact Club – 10th, 11th</p>

Principals List – 9th, 10th, 11th
Honor Roll – 9th, 10th, 11th
Excellence in Academics and Athletics – 9th, 10th, 11th
Perfect Attendance – 9th
Many nominations</p>

<p>Community Service:
300+ hours of athletic training, aiding injured athletes
30+ hours of doing work for National Honors Society
20+ hours of doing work for Medical Honors Society
30+ hours of doing work for Science Club
30+ hours of peer tutoring classmates in Chemistry, English, and Algebra 2/Trig
30+ hours Environmental Club, helping pick up garbage and promoting awareness
20+ hours of Health Sciences Academy open house night preparation and presentation
40+ hours of random volunteering done
Total = 500+ hours</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>i would say with your stats that getting atleast a 650 in all areas would be easy for you, but i would aim for above 700 to be in for sure. good luck, tech is a great school (:</p>