What STATE is everybody from? Roll Call!

<p>We’re from Southern California, but we now live in Northern Alabama because of H’s job.</p>

<p>Plano, Texas…originally Albany NY…kids are all Texans</p>

<p>Florida Panhandle here! I’m a native of Alabama, as are my parents. My children are native Floridians.</p>

<p>Connecticut, we have always lived in CT. We also have a summer camp on an island off the coast of Maine in Canada.</p>

<p>Portland Oregon here, but wife and kids all natives from Illinois.</p>

<p>Pennsylvania, originally from Cleveland, OH.</p>

<p>Honolulu, Hawaii. Originally from Southern California. Son and daughter were born and raised in Hawaii.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Originally from Philadelphia. A Virginia resident the last 16 years.</p>

<p>San Antonio, Texas!</p>

<p>New Mexico (East Mountain area) - but we only moved here from Texas 8 months ago. My kids are ‘native Texans’ (even my DD that we adopted from Korea:-)</p>

<p>Roll Tide! Crimson is cool.</p>

<p>Overland Park Kansas, but DH is from Sacramento and we were in the military for the first 8 years of our marriage and lived in 10 different places including Italy were my 3rd of 4 children was born.</p>

<p>Chicago (Naperville) but kids were born in Florida and we keep a beach house there (Flagler Beach)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Born and bred in Bahston. Have also lived in Louisiana and Vermont. For the past 21+ years have lived in North Carolina. Love it here but currently peeved at UNC system’s crummy merit aid. Don’t get me started, LOL.</p>

<p>DH is originally from Louisville, Kentucky, but we met while he was living in Massachusetts. </p>

<p>We have two sons, both born and reared in NC. They may have tar on their heels, but they’re Bama Bound. (At least older son is. Younger son…who knows?)</p>

<p>Mesquite Texas. HAPPY 175TH BIRTHDAY TEXAS!!! Best state in the nation by far!</p>

<p>Kentucky…DH and I are both UK grads and I work for the UK. Thought DD would be a Wildcat, but I don’t blame her for choosing UA. It’s a beautiful campus, with many opportunities. Plus Mom and Dad aren’t dropping in on game day like we would at UK. Ilove UK but…Roll Tide</p>

<p>Alabama born and raised!</p>

<p>I’m from Miami, Florida. Some people say that I’m lucky to live in Miami, but I know otherwise. I can’t wait to start living in Tuscaloosa in the fall, a place with actual seasons instead of the 11 month summer and 1 month fall (actually, the combined total of all the moderate weather days throughout the months that should make up winter) weather conditions down here! lol.</p>

<p>I’m a Virginian (Norfolk then NoVa) being held against my will in PA!!</p>

<p>New Jersey (Cape May area)</p>

<p>Signal Mountain (Chattanooga), TN. Both kids Florida natives, husband UA alumni.</p>