Yes, students of all majors and goals can get Regents’ scholarships at UCs.
You don’t have to be a lawyer or premed for certain. But you have to go about getting a Regents like getting an Oscar. There is a particular group of people who are making the decision, and the lowest common denominator to appealing to people is service.
Student loans are considered as meeting need, so if you only have to take 2k you are saying your need is met. You can’t get blue&gold and cal grant, you only get tuition covered once by the state, as discussed above. In addition you should get federal Pell if eligible and federal student loans which is considered FA, so that could be 11k a year, then you have some W/S or summer component and likely university grant if COA not covered.
OP, in my experience, the net cost calculator on the UC sites tended to be fairly accurate. There are ways to pay for college without extensive loans or a Regents scholarship, but they do require some time to find and apply to. They may be more worth your time to look out, though, because while Regents can be a good chunk of aid, at schools like Berkeley/UCLA, they are going to be very competitive, and people with 4.0s get turned away all the time. If you get multiple smaller scholarships, they add up. But FYI, there can be a small window between acceptance notifications and deadlines for UC scholarships. I believe I had around two weeks to apply for a scholarship at UCLA that required letters of rec and an essay. So scout those ahead of time, if you can.
Look for dept scholarships yes. But also try Jack Kent Cooke scholarship etc.
To answer your question, @otoribashi I’ve seen 3.9s get regents. I haven’t personally heard of 3.7s. Based on the general criteria cited, I think it’s highly unlikely.