What stereotype do you most resemble?

<p>Are you the goody-two-shoes who would never skip class? The angsty (or spazzy) art student? The Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings nerd? The stoner? Mr./Mrs. Perfect? The anti-social philosopher? etc.</p>


<p>The quiet one in the corner of every class who is dying of her shyness.</p>

<p>the one asian guy who no one knows anything about, but secretly visits CC and then proceeds to shock the class with college prowness during admissions time.</p>

<p>idk how to categorize myself.</p>

<p>The Abercrombie and Fitch athletic nerd? lmao</p>

<p>I’m a pretty funny guy, but i can’t say im one specific stereotype</p>

<p>The dry sarcasm who doesn’t play the popular sports, but holds his own socially. Also, I can sometimes fit into the philosophical group.</p>

<p>our school lacks groups lol.
im too good for the “smart geeks”, who go around using random science facts/popular science things as if they were real scientists.

<p>dam popular science.</p>

<p>umm i hang out with lots of different groups of people…so idk. i hang out with cool people. and i act stupid. then i pwn everyone in everything and theyre like wow i get pwned.</p>

<p>I’m the goody-two-shoes that would never curse, skip class, not do homework or talk back. Let me give you an example, once in french class i came in late because I had to finish up something in another class the period before. I walk in with a pass and my french teacher gives me a funny look–then, one of the students says, “seriously, it’s [insert my name here], she would never forge a pass…” Or, if I use a cuss word someone would be really surprised to hear that from me…</p>

<p>Absolutely none, curiously enough…</p>

<p>I am the girl who is obscenely liberal, but doesn’t get along with really far left people. The girl that everyone knows isn’t straight, but don’t care to discover what she is. That girl that will argue with teachers when they’re wrong because nobody else dares to stand up to a teacher.</p>

<p>I have no idea what stereotype I fit lol.
Punk I guess.</p>

<p>Jet-black hair and tight shirts?</p>

<p>I can flip my hair.</p>

<p>I’m probably a goody-goody two shoes. I never curse, I always do my homework, I participate but I don’t chit chat in class. One of my teachers sends letters home to my parents about how great she thinks I am all the time. Fave teacher. But my school doesn’t really have social cliques, except for the fact that there’s kind of an “AP world” and a “regular world” but that’s really because the two groups never see each other and the isolation starts in 8th grade with the Honors program.</p>

<p>I always wanted to fit into a stereotype.</p>

<p>I’m not smart enough, not do I have good enough grades to be a nerd; I’ve got too many various extra-curriculars goin’ on to JUST be a band geek; I’m president of SG, LEO Club, whatever, and yet too shy to be a leader; I’m considered well-mannered and extremely nice yet have the largest potty mouth and this suppressed activist side…</p>

<p>I love my MPD. Dammmit gimme’ a label!</p>

<p>Stoner. Intelligent but doesn’t try hard [enough] in school. Laid back. Love the music.</p>

<p>Asian no-life smarty, EC leader whore, band geek but…I actually have friends and lots of people say I’m a really nice and sweet girl [who likes power pwahhahaha]. </p>

<p>Based on my leadership positions, I could probably kill half the city with things I could do. I guess I just have a very ill sense of humor…</p>

<p>I’m the quiet, sarcastic, goody-two-shoes, knows the answer to everything, but nobody hates him cause he’s so quiet and apparently unassuming (but little do they know) stereotype.</p>

<p>Hmm… I don’t know. I’m an Asian male, probably one of the loudest people in class, likes to procrastinate but does work and shows commitment when it counts. I’m friendly with most people, but usually have a core group of friends. I’m an ideologist but also a realist… I have a knack for losing things. I do several ECs I’m genuinely interested in… I’d sooner join a club because my friends are in it, rather than because it’ll look well for colleges. I respect teachers, but am not a suck up… I keep my mind open, and I’m an independent in politics. For economics, I believe that Keynesian economics is the biggest scam ever devised, and I don’t lean left or right absolutely, but believe in different positions for every issue. However, I try to get A’s, and don’t just discount the opportunity of education when it is freely available. I’m an avid reader but also like to play tennis and bowling. </p>

<p>So… I’m not sure what stereotype I fit into.</p>

<p>^ I would be the same stereotype as ThisCouldBeHeavn. I’m quite quiet and unassuming in class, but sarcastic and biting with my friends. I sit in the back and keep to myself mostly. If I know the answer, I don’t say it - I try not to be a know-it-all. I’m not a teacher’s pet either, in fact, I’m quite distant with my teachers. I think most of my grade respects me, but they don’t really know me :)</p>

<p>I’m so weirdly everything.
The super-smart chick who reads during class and answers every question and is #1 ranked (without much competition, really) and hangs with the smart kids.
The spazzy art and drama and instrumental student who is crazy about her art and hangs with the spazzy art and drama kids.
The out-of-it stoner-whose-not-a-stoner who hangs with the weird, alternative kids.
I’m everywhere and everything.</p>

<p>I’m probably the only person on earth that can pull off both “extreme band geek” and “popular varsity athlete” at the same time. I’m not the “knows the answer to everything” kind of person at all. Pretty social, not a “loner” at all by any means. I’m just average, I guess.</p>