What stereotypes exist in college?

<p>finance - secretly plotting to mug millions of people with ponzi schemes</p>

<p>Environmental _____ - combines liberal Philosophy hippies & Women’s studies’ feministic activists who are obsessed with GOING GREEN! =]</p>

<p>Theatre - Gay or too scared to fail at everything else</p>

<p>Family/Consumer Sciences - moms & dads young and old who seek help parenting. probably has a part time job on the side.</p>

<p>Institutional Food Production/Services/____ - female who is a minority or old</p>

<p>Parks & Rec - people who don’t care what anyone thinks and wanted an easy major that can land them a job on craigslist</p>

<p>Hospitality Management - ^</p>

<p>What’s the ethnic pie chart of the people who are in the business department?</p>

<p>Is finance/accounting filled with a lot of nerds?</p>

<p>No, it’s filled with with really annoying, New England prep school bred white guys. I’d approximate 1 in 4 of these guys will be the next Madoff. I saw the signs everyday at BC.</p>

<p>^ At BC i’m sure every major is filled with really annoying New England prep school bred white guys :p</p>

<p>The “ethnic pie chart” depends on the individual college, look it up online. </p>

<p>At NYU our Business school is filled with Asians, lots of international Asians as well as Asian-Americans. The B school is the most selective school on campus so they have a lot of nerdier types, but also regular people, and sure the occasional (…) A ton of them major in Finance too.</p>

<p>I don’t see why people hate Asian Americans just because they’re the best at academics.</p>

<p>^ What are you talking about? You asked for the ethnic breakdown of Business majors, someone said they’re mostly White at his school, I mentioned my college’s B school has a lot of Asians…how is that hating? </p>

<p>At most American colleges B majors won’t be the nerdy types though, it’s considered an easy major. At my college I’ve seen a lot of nerdy B majors since it’s a more selective school, but i don’t think this is true most places. </p>

<p>LOL @ my comment being edited because I wrote the word “bag” with a d in front :D</p>

<p>Foul language is bad but psychotic attention-seeking ■■■■■■ are a-okay? </p>

<p>I must be in Wonderland.</p>

<p>This is not really a stereotype, but I’ve met some people that are a bit on the crazy/unstable side with a bit of a past. Curiously, several of them are psychology majors. I sometimes surprise them with me correctly guessing their major.</p>

<p>Is this true for some of you? LOL</p>


Chillllllll, man. Relax.</p>

<p>I was talking about the general situation. I wasn’t referring to your post. Otherwise, I would have quoted you like I did now.</p>

<p>^ Dude, no one’s been bashing Asian-Americans here. We’ve been stereotyping majors so far…you brought up the Asians. I really hope this doesn’t become about race like so many CC threads. But “overachieving Asian” has become a bit of a stereotype.

haha interesting…i don’t know, it seems like Psych is a popular major around here, especially with freshman. but it seems like a lot of freshman I’ve met are just majoring in it cause they took a class in high school and thought it seemed cool and interesting (and easy) haha. But I have a family friend who’s a therapist who told me a lot of other therapists she works with have been through trauma/abuse and that’s partly what got them interested.</p>


Bingo! LOL. Sad, but true…</p>


Dude, did I ever specifically mention anyone in this thread?</p>

<p>plus I’m not Asian, but I’m sure you’ve already assumed that as you have done with other things</p>

<p>Some stereotypes (in good humor)
Political Science: has strong opinions and loves to debate. Most plan on law school, then running for elections.
Business: outgoing n likes to dress up. Can b a dbag
History: Tends to absolutely love their subject, even if they kno they will b made fun of for having no career options but teaching
Philosophy: stoners that can go to class high and pass with flying colors
Biology/Chem: hardworking nerds who are 100% devoted or debating if they rele wanna be a doctor
Art: they are the artists reading Walden Pond while sipping cofee on a sidewalk cafe. Tend to have a goatee
Music: sex, drugs, rock n roll
Nursing: tend to b girlst that want a practical career n like people</p>



<p>What does that even mean?</p>

<p>Psycho87 I was totally just relating to that the other day. Many people who I believe to be, er, “unstable” happened to want to major in psychology and it always gets me thinking about the irony.</p>

<p>I think BetterThanYouAre had the best list over there on the first page.</p>

<p>So I’m not in college yet, but from what I’ve noticed at my school: (no offense intended…)</p>

<p>Business: The “generic” major that a bunch of people picked simply to avoid the “Undeclared” route.
Biology: Another “generic” major that the vast majority of people decided to go with.
Art: People (mostly girls) with little actual academic talent.
Economics: The people who are obsessed with money</p>

<p>That’s a funny topic!
What are the stereotypes for international relations majors?</p>

<p>what are the stereotypes for linguistic majors?</p>

<p>International Relations - love foreign films and cultures and want world peace. All claim they will work at UN after graduation and go into foreign policy. kind of like politics majors only less annoying :p</p>

<p>Linguistics - uhh…they like languages…a lot. haha i’ve never met one sorry. they are a rare specimen :)</p>