What The Heck Is This!!! (read For Double Major)

<p>well i applied to Olin and CAS for ED II and they deffered me with these stats</p>

<p>SAT I
Math: 800
Critical Reading: 800
Writing: 740</p>

IIC: 800
Lit: 710
Korean/ listening 800
USH: 760</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 (uw)
4.2 (w)</p>

intrenship at Samsung (4 years)
OcConnor Hospital Volunteering (350 hrs)
Kumdo (3 years, Black belt)
Tae Kwon Do (9 years, black belt)</p>


<p>and also what I heard from people is that WASH U rejects people who have good stats and should be ACCEPTED rejection letters to boost up their level as a tough school to get into and try to lower their acceptance percentages</p>

<p>DAMN THEM!!</p>

<p>That is ****ing absurd. I'm disgusted that they would turn away such a qualified applicant.</p>

<p>I'm sorry. I think they only rejected you because they don't waitlist deferred ED applicants (only accept/reject). As for why they didn't accept you, then that's where your explanation comes into play. Stupid yield protection methods...</p>

<p>Very strange, King. They probably thought you were too qualified. </p>

<p>Did you interview for ED? Did that interview turn out well? I don't know....</p>

<p>I agree, pretty ridiculous.</p>

<p>What about your essays? I know a kid from my school who was absolutely brilliant but took everything for granted and wrote poor essays...he was rejected from Rice U..</p>

<p>i know how you feel King. this whole thing is ridiculous and it makes me mad as well.</p>

<p>but the thign is it's ED so there's no such thing as yield protection. I'm gonna have to say maybe ur essays were weak or u didn't present urself that well. high scores and good activities mean nothing until u explain how they r good activites and how they reflect u</p>

<p>is there such a thing is too overqualifed?</p>

<p>Perhaps not during ED, but in the RD round, they might have gotten scared. Yield protection wouldn't be the correct term here, but something else along those lines.</p>

<p>i don't think overqualified is the thing here but in some casese there is a such thing as yield protection. If u were deferred EDII u can reasonably believe taht even with ur mandatory attendence they didn't feel strong enough about u. It probably wasn't ur scores but i'm thinking it's either recs or essays. Because after u look at number u look at the person and essays and recs r the only source. I'm not saying ur a bad person but perhaps u didn't present urself in the best light. Don't blame them for rejecting u. First think of what u could have done better on ur application like if ur essay could have been better and those things. Numbers don't get u in anywhere. For the reference i had a 1570(old sat) with math 2c 800, physics&USH 790 and i got an early acceptacne. I'm noit bragging btw i'm just saying overqualified, as in high scores, don't get u rejected</p>

<p>What if Wash U was looking at something other than just your stats?</p>

<p>Plenty of people with solid scores and ECs get rejected from schools that aren't protecting their yield. Your case may have nothing to do with yield protection--you may simply not be the student they are looking for.</p>

<p>WashU doesn't owe you anything so stop whining.</p>

<p>Wash U looks at the whole package. Grades are important, but what else do you do that is outstanding? Music, sports, theater, or whatever? I'm sorrry to hear that everyone is so disgruntled about Wash U admissions procedures. I think Wash U is a WONDERFUL college....My S loves it there.</p>

<p>That makes no sense. If you applied ED, they had no reason to defer you for "yield protection" since you'd be legally bound to attend. Stat-wise, you appear very qualified. There must've been something else amiss in your application.</p>

<p>Perhaps your entitlement complex shone through in your essays.</p>

<p>I'm sorry to hear that King, but highly selective colleges tell us they get more qualified applicants than they have space for. so it's not jst a matter of whether you have the stats. also, scores/gpa/ecs aren't everything, as other people here have been saying. Essays, recommendations, and the difficulty of your classes are also important.</p>

<p>the reason you were rejected is probably because you are too overqualified. WashU is notorious for rejecting extremely qualified applicants, because they hate being used as an Ivy safety school. They probably saw your stats and figured that you were only applying to them in case you got rejected from HYP,etc...</p>

<p>with your stats, they probably viewed themselves as a safety, and therefore rejected you</p>

<p>You don't apply to a safety school ED unless it is also your first choice.</p>

<p>Right... He applied ED, so clearly it wasn't a safety and clearly they knew it wasn't a safety.</p>

<p>There had to be something else in the application....</p>

<p>I really wanted to go to Olin, because i checked collegeboard.com for stats on WASH U so thats why I retook my 2190 to make it 2340</p>