What time does the ED decison get released?

I mean what time exacly.

@Vageta17 last year they announced it via twitter around 4 p.m. on Friday that decisions were posted. Kids began frantically checking the website. I will caution you that the website basically crashed several times and was at times frustrating because so many people were logging in at the same time.

My son didn’t apply ED but some of his friends did. Am really interested to see the stats they took…

Not until 12/15. Right?

The VT website said check after 5pm on the 15th

Last year they announced Early Decision on 12/12 @5pm online and letters were mailed that day.


Last year, they announced via Facebook that results would be posted by 5pm on 12/12 and letters were put in the mail that day. Hoping for the same this year!

Also posted this on “Early Decision Thread”… Just checked Virginia Tech portal for status. Seeking ED notification. Portal says “Application not found” – but, application was there this morning with “Early Decision” info on page with chart. Has anyone else checked in recently?

My S checked portal and had the same result. He applied regular decision. System glich?

I’m hanging in there as grateful for the “no application” screen shown. On a similar CC thread titled “Virginia Tech Early Decision Results” adcampo1 wrote:

Today at 5:11 pm
The site is currently down…maybe that’s good news that they’re doing the next batch of uploads? I did hear from a couple of my son’s classmates that logged in to find they were rejected over the weekend.

Don’t worry a lot of people are having the same problem

Admission sent me an email saying “The application status page is currently down. Please try it again tomorrow morning.”

My daughter was just notified by the school that the early decision notification will be after 5 pm tomorrow

@NOVAMOM123 Was she notified through email? I haven’t heard anything about decisions coming out tomorrow?

She called earlier today when she saw the website said no application found. Admissions office told her that was a glitch on the website and also said they be notifying people starting at 5 o’clock on Tuesday. They also mentioned that some people began getting their denials over the weekend which based on other posts in this website appears to be true

How will we be notified if we got rejected or admitted? Email, mail…

You log into your “application status” and it will be there.

Guys, Virginia Tech just announced they will be releasing ED results 6 PM via Twitter!!! Good luck to everyone!

@RickFlairDrip I can confirm that this indeed did happen. Good luck to everyone!

Try your portal…results are up!