<p>Is it like right at midnight est?
or is it like collegeboard, where it's somewhere in the morning-ish?
anyone know? please tell me! :)</p>
<p>I think it’s March 31st around 5 pm.</p>
<p>It’s 5 PM EST- but note that while that’s the earliest they start to reveal them, most people find out some time within the following few hours (5-6:30). Some schools (Yale the year I applied) can take even longer, like after 8:30.</p>
<p>Admiral has it right –</p>
<p>The official release date and time is March 31, 5:00PM EST. What this means is that Harvard begins to send out the decision emails at this time. However, sending mass amounts of emails takes a long time so as not to overload servers or be rejected by ISPs. So the time that YOUR email is sent is sent out may be any time after 5pm, likely within a couple of hours.</p>
<p>I do not know the order in which the emails are sent, however, I would guess it’s by some internal applicant number (or Applicant Access Code maybe) rather than alphabetically by last name or by geography.</p>
<p>i will stick to my comp the whole day for the decision to come out…
hope to see all of you CCers and prospective Crimsons during the wait. it’ll be so fun…
(Procrastination, what a name… the best ^^)</p>