What to bring to Boarding School

<p>What will you bring to boarding school? Anything weird? I am just curious. =)</p>

<p>I’m thinking about buying a funky swivel or lawn chair to have in my dorm room. For some reason, that idea is appealing to me. That, and buying a mini fridge to put under my desk so that I can sip Monster and Rockstar while doing homework late into the night. This is, of course, sadly all hypothetical at the moment…</p>

<p>I’m going to bring an exercise ball so I can workout I can just uninflate it when I’m not using it</p>

<p>Umm my fuzzy huge green chair that I keep in front of my TV lol.</p>

<p>I have a big fuzzy purple egg chair, and it folds up so I can store it easily. :slight_smile: (hopefully I’ll have a dorm to use it in…)</p>

<p>Ya same…</p>

<p>Counting the chickens before they hatch?</p>

<p>Everything is hypothetical for me at the moment, and I did not apply to safety schools as my current school is great but!</p>

<p>A must:
Minifridge with frozen Starbuck Mocha.

<p>A mustER:
My bookshelf (nerdy, hah)</p>

<p>… wait, we’re allowed to bring mini-fridges and stuff? i thought it was like… desks, computers, bookshelves (and books to go in them!), small personal items ? hm. unless you consider a mini a small personal item… :S</p>

<p>They give you a desk.And ya your allowed to bring a mini fridge</p>

<p>All the schools have different rules; there is not ONE answer for whether or not a school lets you have a fridge or a chair or a bookcase. </p>

<p>After you decide where you are going, you’ll get a list of acceptable items for that school.</p>

<p>But all schools don’t allow mini-fridges because at SPS you’re only allowed to have a fridge if you’re a prefect or a vegetarian.</p>

<p>Well I’m a vegetarian so yay…</p>

<p>Talking about prefects what all do they get special?</p>

<p>O ok, the dorm I visited at SPS had a fridge.</p>

<p>yay! there’s a veg head here. so am i :)</p>

<p>all my movie posters to decorate my dorm, and they’re all pretty obscure indie movies so it would be rather…“colorful”</p>

<p>I was told at all the schools I visited that fridges were not allowed in dorm rooms…except some schools let prefects/proctors have them in their dorms.</p>

<p>what about for food, clothes, games, ect.? what else would you all bring?</p>

<p>I know that you’re allowed to have a fridge at Deerfield as long as you fill in paperwork and consent to fridge searches.</p>

<p>Lots of posters and black and white photographs. My stuffed animal kitty.</p>

<p>yep. tons of posters.</p>