What to do, what to do....

<p>Ah I thought you could do that before November, so looks like I'm gonna retake both SAT I and SAT II for ED, but idk if getting 700+ in Math SAT I and an 800 in Math II would still put me in the running for Wharton =/</p>

<p>Maybe it'd be safer applying to one of the other schools..</p>

<p>You will need to work several years before applying to the Wharton MBA program after college.</p>

<p>Here's what I think you can do. Apply to Huntsman and choose CAS, NOT Wharton, as the schools you want to be considered at if rejected. They ask every applicant to select one from what I'm reading.</p>

<p>Wharton grads certainly have better access to a few industries than other Penn grads, but all Penn grads who do well have access to great jobs and grad schools. </p>

<p>Sometimes we can't get where we're going in one leap. If Penn is what you really want and your numbers don't match up for Huntsman, figure out where you belong in that school and start making contacts. What types of career are you thinking about?</p>

<p>Well I'm not confident on Huntsman, if my numbers are already sub-par for Wharton the Huntsman would just be blah</p>

Wharton grads certainly have better access to a few industries than other Penn grads, but all Penn grads who do well have access to great jobs and grad schools.


<p>Keep in mind that while the Wharton MBAs have special career opportunities not available to, say, a PhD in History (which makes sense as Dr. History-man is probably not interested in i-banking), at the UNDERGRAD level both Wharton and College kids have the exact same OCR (on-campus recruiting) system system, and College kids get hired by the bushel.</p>