<p>So I wanna apply to Penn, and I do have some hook(s), but I wanna put myself in the best position regardless of hooks or not.</p>
<p>Anyways, I'm gonna retake the SAT/SAT II in October, but what do you guys think I should take? Here are my scores:</p>
<p>SAT I: 2040
M : 690
CR : 650
W : 700</p>
<p>SAT II:
Math II : 710
Spanish : 750
Chemistry : 710</p>
<p>Or I could wait and apply RD and retake both... blahhh</p>
<p>Your SAT II scores are all fine: you took some of the more difficult tests, and anyway subject tests aren't given as much weight in admissions as the SAT I.</p>
<p>Therefore, take the SAT 1 again, and study up on Math and Reading!</p>
<p>Btw, are you a fluent Spanish speaker and/or Hispanic? I've never seen a school-taught kid get such a high score on the Spanish SATII.</p>
<p>Well, I wanna apply to Wharton so idk if my Math II is even acceptable, hooks or no hook</p>
<p>Yea actually, I was born here but lived in a little third world country for half my life - Honduras. None of my family besides my brother can speak english well, so with my mom it's all Spanish. I'm fluent in both, and I'm actually learning French!</p>
<p>So, considering Wharton, is the Math II score fine or retake instead of SAT I?</p>
<p>I agree that you should get your SAT I scores up for a better chance.</p>
<p>I agree with that you should bump up your SAT I score, but focus especially on the Math portion if you're going for Wharton.</p>
<p>Heh I don't even know what happened to me in Math, on all practice tests I took it was easily my best part. Ah well, I got till October to redeem myself so type to hop on it!</p>
<p>I just hope it's the right choice taking SAT I and not Math II in October =X</p>
<p>Alright alright I'll do it :D</p>
<p>How much of a disadvantage would it be then to go into my app with say a 2150+ SAT, but a 710 Math II?</p>
<p>Wharton=HIGH math marks</p>
<p>definitely retake the SATI and get at least 750 on M since it's easier than Math II. The SAT II scores look fine (math is a bit shaky tho, but w/e)</p>
<p>If you have a hook as in athlete or URM, you may have a chance with a 710 but not a good one. We were told that over half the Wharton class has an 800 mathII. A 710 is a long way from there percentile wise. And the 690 on the mathI will probably not work there either. I would apply RD and retake both unless a coach is telling you he can pull you in anyway.</p>
<p>I can easily get Math SATI up, I really would rather not risk RD and lower my chances even more</p>
<p>Would Penn still accept a Math II SAT II score even if I took the test in november for ED?</p>
<p>To be honest, I think you'd need a huge hook to stand any chance ED. Whast's your hook? I'm thinking it's going to have to be a coach really pulling for you or that you're a Trump because Wharton doesn't budge much for URMs.</p>
<p>I think you might be able to fit in the SAT II's if you rush the scores. </p>
<p>What's with all these deceptive topic titles that are really just "Chances" threads? Seriously folks, no one on this forum is qualified at all to give any comment on your chances for admission</p>
<p>My only "hook" is being Hispanic.</p>
<p>Sorry if I'm not a great competitor like you guys, I only have one parent [mom] who works her ass off at wal-mart like every single day (she use to be a janitor so I guess it's progress) and I'm pretty poor, so yea, sorry if I haven't done amazing things like going overseas to feed starving kids or created new programs or whatever, life isn't as easy like that for all of us, so before you go spewing crap about people stop for a second and think that not everyone is in the same boat as you, not everyone is in the same class that you are, able to make themselves amazing competitors, so don't judge everyone the same. I do what I can.</p>
<p>I hope I can fit SAT IIs, I'll call the admissions people or e-mail them, luckily my regional admissions officer or whatever is nice =D.</p>
<p>And I've been thinking... maybe it'd be easier for me to sign up for SEAS or CAS... I'm not sure business is fully what I wanna do, but I know I'd die for Penn =/</p>
<p>Eloquence, I come from a background much like yours and went to Stanford undergrad. There are many great schools and programs that will bend for a URM who had few advantages. Wharton is a program that can't bend as much because it's a hard one to get through, especially for a double program like Huntsman. The program is also math heavy. Without the right preparation, it would be hard to succeed there.</p>
<p>You would have a much better chance applying to CAS, MUCH!</p>
<p>What kind of careers could I get from CAS?</p>
<p>Honestly right now I just want to be able to get a terrific job after college to support my mom and stuff =/</p>
<p>Hmm, saying I do go into CAS/SEAS at UPenn, how hard would it be for me to break into Wharton's graduate business school?</p>
<p>Also, does anyone know if I can take Nov. SAT IIs and still use them for ED? If not I'll contact admissions but I'd rather save some stress @_@</p>
<p>It looks like you can!</p>
<p>From the Penn website (<a href="http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/testing.php%5B/url%5D">http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/testing.php</a>)</p>
<pre><code>* Early Decision candidates should take these examinations either during the junior year or in the summer before the senior year, but no later than November 2005. Early Decision candidates who opt for November examinations must rush their test scores to us.
* Regular Decision candidates should complete all testing by December of their senior year. First-time testing delayed until January will place the applicant at a disadvantage in our evaluation process. Tests retaken in January will be accepted."
<p>You might want to contact admissions just to be sure, though, because that info is from 2005.</p>