What to Expect at the Getterman Scholars and Invitation to Excellence Weekend

Hi! I was recently invited to attend the Getterman Scholars Program and the Invitation to Excellence events. I have not heard much about what to wear, what to expect, what to bring, if parents should come, what the schedule is like, etc. I know that there is an interview portion but I do not have much information about it. I was hoping I could receive some insight so that I can be better prepared. Thank you!

I am curious about that too as my son was invited to attend the Invitation to Excellence events. I wonder when they will be sending more information out…we are travelling a long way to get there. :slight_smile:

I called Baylor just now, they will be sending out an email later this week with details.

Have you recieved the email they talked about yet? I was told the same thing and it’s Friday and haven’t recieved it yet

Nope. Also, I recall some wave 1 people saying they received their acceptance before the event as well. Of course, I assume they were ED.

I recieved acceptance last month about 2 weeks after registering for invitation to excellence. Just waiting on the update email so I can finalize my plans next weekend

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Email came in tonight about I2E

I have to ask, is there anybody else who was invited to I2E and participated in round 1, round 2 or the alternate virtual round, who applied Regular Decision and still hasn’t been accepted to the university yet?

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