What to expect? Freshman year at Fordham


Does anyone know what I can expect my classes to be like as a freshman at Gabelli? Will I have any choice whatsoever or will my classes be assigned to me to fulfill the core? Also, will I have the option to add more classes or drop some? How does this process work and is it easy to get classes that you like?

lol I know this is kind of a lot of questions but I would appreciate any information :slight_smile:

I would like to know as well.

Hi, I am not in Gabelli but I have a couple friends who are. For their first semester (we are now sophomores) they were scheduled for core classes like philosophy, theology, etc, and a class called “The Ground Floor” that is exclusively for Gabelli students. Your first year is going to be mostly core classes since Fordham has such a large core curriculum. This is at LC though so I do not know if it differs at RH, but I assume it’s similar. You have the option to add or drop classes but incoming freshman have the very last pick at classes so most of them, other than the basic cores, will be full. It’s honestly not very easy to get classes that you like until you’re a second semester sophomore, which I am currently. Classes fill up quickly, especially interesting ones with good professors. You can add and drop classes freely during the add drop period, which ends about a week into classes.

You will be emailed a survey as to what things you like. They will ask you what type of history you prefer such as with US History do you like the time around the Revolution, Civil War or do you like European or World History? You will most likely be given classes to fulfill the core along with your business core (Ground Floor and whatever business math, Micro/Macro Ecomomics). If you find something you really don’t agree with, then you can change it, during orientation you can go to talk with your advisor/dean and they can change it.

My daughter is RH and she changed her schedule the first day of orientation. You will probably get it sometime around August. You can also get an idea of classes by going to the my.fordham.edu page and click on “Class Schedule” and view Fall 2017 classes.

For Freshmen the usual classes assigned are the Understanding Historical Change (History), Comp II (English), Philosophy of Human Nature, Faith and Critical Reason (Theology). I know with Gabelli there isn’t a foreign language or EPs (Eloquentia Perfecta) required.

You are only assigned classes the Fall semester of Freshman year. You will be able to choose your Spring semester classes in November. Your registration date is determined by the number of credits you have already earned. So hopefully you are going in with a few AP credits and you can register ahead of everyone else in your class.

Just keep checking my.fordham