What type of people are the stereotypical "coasties"?

<p>are the coasties at UW madison like WASP old wealth private school preps or more like the average east/coast people? I went to a extremely old wealth preppy school where most people wore brooks brothers sports shirts/top siders/khaks....and girls wore patagonias over north faces</p>

<p>That would be negatory unless that get-up included a popped Polo under the BB sports shirts. Then you will be laughed at by all.
Coastie is more about girls anyway.</p>

<p>The average student from either coast won’t be a coastie. That term is for the few who seem to try to set themselves apart from the rest of the student body. If you’re not too snobbish to mix in you don’t have to have any worries about it.</p>

<p>It’s more just average east coast people, usually pretty rich, but not like old-money preppy. A lot are Jewish and from New York or New Jersey. The “coastie” term refers more to girls anyways and is more of a snobby attitude combined with a style of dress and being rich. It’s just because Wisconsin and the East Coast have kind of a different culture, so people are just different. I know a lot of people who would fit the “coastie” label, they are very nice, they are just different from the stereotypical Midwesterner and are less overtly friendly.</p>

<p>coasties stuck up? seems like they arnt the old wasp private school rich cus new england wasp private school culture is all about being humble and not flashy of wealth…thanks a ton guys</p>

<p>D is an NJ “coastie” who went to Wisconsin specifically to go to a world class big Midwestern state school. She says the whole coastie thing is overblown, she’s not seen any attitude about it at. Lots of these kids are the children of Midwesterners (our D) or UW alums who parents moved to the coasts for jobs. They’ve been raised with Midwestern sensibilities. Others appreciate UW for the academic excellence. A few wear leggings and Uggs in the snow when it’s -8. Those are just goofy kids.</p>

<p>JP, I agree 100%. The entire idea applies to maybe 1% of the UG student body at all and maybe 1% of them give it any thought. Are kids that grow-up in NY/NJ or Cali a little different than kids that grow up in small town Wisconsin–yes a little. But mostly in minor ways like dress, preferred beverages and manners of interaction. There is less gap between kids from the Milwaukee/Minny burbs and coasties. And no gap with Chicago suburbs. The only difference between UW and any other big midwestern school in this regard is that UW gave it a name and a song. At most schools they just call them all “out of staters”. At least Coastie has a ring to it.</p>

<p>I’d agree it’s just kind of a joke. No one’s seriously going to dislike you for being out of state. There’s a certain stereotype that people joke about, but there’s no real tension going on. I’d say it has more to do with the fact that a lot of out-of-state people tend to sort of separate themselves from Midwesterners (mostly by going to the private dorms) and so they are viewed as unfriendly and/or snobby.</p>

<p>Go to youtube and look up What’s a Coastie, Zooniveristy has a hilarious video.</p>

<p>As a current student here, it has been my experience that “coastie” is used as a derogitory term. To be a true “coastie” it means more than just being from a coast. Usually people who are referred to as coastie are stuck up, rude, unconcerned with other people, and think they are entitled to things other students are not. It is more of an attitude than a style. Usually the true coasties don’t fit in very well with the rest of the student body.</p>