What virginia colleges are a good fit for african american students?

<p>Im a black female with a 3.0 gpa. What colleges in virginia have a decent amout of black students and is not that difficult to get into? A college thats not in the country would be nice, I prefer the city.</p>

<p>If you like an urban environment, VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) is a good option, depending on your major interests. It’s reasonably selective but not too inaccessible and I think you stand a fairly good chance of getting in depending on your SAT scores and your status (in-state or out-of-state). VCU is located in Richmond so it has a big city atmosphere. It is extremely racially diverse (much more so than other colleges, such as James Madison).</p>

<p>vcu, george mason, and old dominion are probably your best choices.</p>

<p>I agree with the VCU, ODU, GMU suggestions unless you want a HBCU. ODU & VCU are pretty urban and are both strong up and coming schools. GMU is a little more suburban but near DC, so that can be cool. All three are very diverse, but as in most places, people seem to hang out with others who have similar interests, so you have to make an effort to befriend other types of people. I’d look at VCU for art or medicine, ODU for science, technology and pre-med and GMU for economics, poli-sci or liberal arts. Good luck.</p>