What were the curves for January?

<p>???? anyone know? I wrote it but havn't got it back yet (the college board says it happens sometimes)</p>

<p>^ i also want to know this…
I got a 670 on my W, and to me it feels impossible because I did not leave anything blank, and I know that I got all the difficult question discussed in this forum right o_O Of course, it may be reality, but I was also wondering if there were ever a case where collegeboard messed up the score reports? Or maybe I filled in the wrong bubbles…LOL</p>

<p>1 math wrong was 790
I think I missed 3 CR, and got 800</p>

<p>^ I thought I got -3 too, and I got a 770. So either I did worse than I thought or you did better than you thought :D</p>

<p>1 wrong on math was 790.
I got 4 wrong on writing with a 12 essay and got 800. So you can play with the numbers a bit.</p>

<p>y doesnt everyone just post there scores and the amount they got wrong so we can figure it out? or does the amount you get wrong not show up on your online score?</p>

<p>it doesn’t. yet
it will in like 11 days. that’s why we are speculating.
verbosely- it is more likely to miss one you didn’t think you did than to get one right you got wrong… i would think
but whatevs</p>

<p>do u htink the late released scores will come out with the right / wrong answers? **** im so mad i got up at 5 am to get my score… they say check back in 7 days</p>

<p>right/wrong numbers come out in 2 weeks i believe
but the actually questions&answers you have to purchase right?</p>