What were you like?

<p>So...Anyone who goes to Harvey Mudd, What were your stats like when you got accepted?</p>

<p>can people who were accepted last year, but didnt go yet(transfer hope!), post their stats?</p>

<p>i'm class of 2009... so this isn't responding exactly to seiken's request...</p>

<p>i'll leave my sat's open (you can guess them).
satii's: mathIIC 790; physics 800; chemistry 800; writing 590 :)
APs: Physics B (C not offered) 5; Chem 5; Calc AB 5; Calc BC 5 (online class)
leader in world-class (and world champion) percussion ensemble/drumline
section leader in honors symphony orchestra
"director's award" for hs class of 2005
100+ hours community service
voted "most likely to succeed" by hs class.
worked at jpl in summer of 2004 for dawn spacecraft and MSL background research.
toured the country with a div I DCI group in 2003 totally 39 states and 13,000 miles by bus.
did COSMOS at UCI in 2001, 2002. (received "best research project" award in 2002) for "tilt detection control vs PID feedback control systems in quatracopters"
won county science fair and AIAA "aerospace excellence award" in 2001. then competed at state.
gave a talk at a regional AIAA conference on building launch vehicles from hardware store components.
received "mathematics gold medallion" award for hs in 2004 and 2005.
designed, built and launched rockets with scientific payloads to 10,000+ft.
attempted 16,000 ft two-stage rocket in 2001.
paid my way through rocketry doing filming and editing of weddings.
started and led a rocket group.</p>

<p>my request?</p>

<p>btw when u got back the 790 in IIC did you curse madly outloud too?</p>

<p>My stats are on this thread from way back in the old days: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=42303%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=42303&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>what the hell, im bored so Ill do it anyways.</p>

<p>Male, 75% white, 25% japanese - not sure which i put on application
major - physics</p>

<p>*SAT - 800M, 670V, 610W
*SAT2 - 790 MathIIC, 750 Chem, 730 US HIST, 660 Bio M (9th grade)
Rank (2/419) - 3.98UW (funny story behind my first b), 5.09W</p>

5s - *Calculus AB, Stats, Biology, Physics C
4s, *US History, US Gov, *Chemistry, Env. Science
3s - Econ, English Lit, *English Lang</p>

<p>AIME - 5 </p>

*1 yr independent biophysics research on African Sleeping Sickness
4th Place CA state science fair in microbiology with above research
National AP Scholar
*President Junior Statesmen of American
*Assistant Soccer Coach for 2 years, after 8 years of traveling soccer club
*Rubik's Cube - 37 sec (best)
*Chess - many tournaments wins/2nds
im probably forgetting some stuff, but thats the jist of it</p>

<p>And i just realized a lot of this crap happened after acceptance, so * equal everything done before app finalization.</p>

<p>oh and one of my essays was about how my family had a major crises through all of highschool, my dad got into heroine, prostitution, gambling and eventually brought our family into poverty. he then nearly died and turned his life around, quitting MOST vices. i wrote about how that affected me, but i still managed to struggly through hs and do that crap mentioned beforehand, as well as learning about giving people 2nd chances. think that possibly helped?</p>

<p>lol seiken i did when i got a 780 on the IIC. im retaking that Son of a B.</p>

<p>oh and....yeeeaah it helped. thats an insane family history.</p>

<p>"btw when u got back the 790 in IIC did you curse madly outloud too?"
actually, i didn't really care. i thought the sats were bs and i still think so. (i think standardized tests are bs in all)</p>

<p>i also think standardized tests are bs in general, or at least the idea that people try and peg a person's intelligence on it. However it is another academic test to me, and I almost always get ****ed when I am off the perfect score by 1 question or 1 point, especially if its something easy.</p>

<p>Apparently, this is what YOU (the admitted students of 2011) are like (from an email sent to the HMC students tonight):
38% California
17.5% East
13% South (way to go, Claudia!)
11.5% Northwest
9% Midwest (now that we accept the ACT.....)
9% Southwest/Mountain
3% International</p>

<p>With the obvious exception of California, all of these regions are up from last year.</p>


<p>53.4% Male
46.6% Female</p>

<p>53% White
28.5% Asian
8% Latino
2.5% African-American (does not include non-citizens)
1% Native
7% Other/ No response</p>

<p>6% are First-Generation college (parents did not attend college)</p>

73% Public or public charter
16% Independent -non-religious
10% Religiously affiliated
1% Home schooled or other</p>

<p>Class rank:
32% attend schools that do not report rank</p>

<p>of the remainder,
95% in top 10% of graduating class
23% rank #1 or #2 in their graduating classes</p>

middle 50% range on
Critical Reading: 690 - 760
Writing: 700 - 770
Math: 740 - 800
Math level 2: 750 - 800
(46% of the admits scored 800 on Math level 2 -since when did 800
become ordinary?)</p>

<p>We ended with 2493 applicants. A record, up 18% from last year and a 31% rise over 2 years.


<p>Seiken: I think I've actually read your application before. During Changing Faces we pretended to be admission officers and read through four apps from 2009 and had to admit one, defer one, and reject two. Almost every group admitted yours. :)</p>

<p>I'm feeling kinda worried now that I've gotten in though. My EC's don't even come close to anything in this thread.</p>

53.4% Male
46.6% Female


<p>WHOA!!!! :-D</p>

53.4% Male
46.6% Female


Thank God.</p>

<p>I figured you guys would be happy! DS also says he's "very pleased."</p>

<p>Was it not that skewed last year? I mean just because a high number of girls is selected does not mean a high number will enter. Sweet though if it true; one reason I wanna go to Mudd is for the girls. (The odds are bad and the bads are odd would be our version?). But you figure during those overnight things girls get scared away at the thought of being around hormone driven nerds in a 3:1 ratio. But like i said, sweet if it holds.</p>

<p>oh and Pyramidhead, I was an applicant to be in the class of '10, not '09.</p>

<p>oh seiken, im sure half of the girls there have some nerdiness in them. And either way mudd is nicely balanced in comparison to caltech (70% guys is a sausagefest.)</p>

<p>But</a> 68% guys isn't a "sausagefest"?</p>

<p>If sriharifez wants to compare Mudd with Caltech for the girls, it isn't just about the guy:girl ratio. It's also about what the girls are like. Mudd girls tend to be less nerdy than Mudd guys. Even though Mudd guys always complain about the girls, there is actually a sizable amount of hot ones. Are there many hot Caltech girls? I can't say I've seen that many Caltech girls total, but the ones I have seen aren't that hot. Maybe a Caltech student could chime in.</p>

<p>But in any case, you get used to the ratio at Mudd. If you really want to surround yourself with girls that badly, you definitely can. The same probably goes for Caltech or any other place that is a "sausagefest" by the numbers.</p>

<p>Also, I would say a great proportion of Mudd males than Mudd females are not interested in dating. Thus, the ratio isn't that bad for dating if you want to because there isn't as much competition as you'd think. Not to sound superficial (just providing information), but in most of the relationships at Mudd that I've seen, the males tend to be more attractive than the females.</p>

<p>Well, and if you really want to talk about gender ratios...Mudd has Scripps (an all girls school) 30 ft from it. That more than balances it out... Not to mention Pitzer, Pomona, CMC...</p>

<p>So, yes. Mudd's campus is 68% male. However, the 5C's are in total about 60% female.</p>