What What What? Fu Kids Are Shunned?

<p>den: the conversation (paraphrased not quoted) did actually occur, that though is unimportant, just thought it was reflective of the general CC-seas camaraderie which I encountered</p>

<p>mrsopresident - U.S. news is a lucrative publication based on half-witted surveys and blinded donations. Don't take US News rankings seriously. Check out Fu's research facilities and legacy not what some paper says</p>

den: the conversation (paraphrased not quoted) did actually occur, that though is unimportant, just thought it was reflective of the general CC-seas camaraderie which I encountered


in terms of CC and SEAS kids goofing on each other about their schools? Yeah, that jives with my experiences too.</p>

<p>"uh...wrong thread. this one has nothing to do with cornell."</p>

<p>uh...then try telling that to some of the people posting that are linking fu closely with cornell engineering.</p>

<p>You still can't deny that usnews is the ranking source that most people go to when searching for college.</p>


<p>who compares fu to cornell engineering? well i do and i know many others who do, (or even favor fu over cornell)</p>

<p>usnews isn't anyone's bible, people might use it, but if they choose colleges primarily based on usnews rankings, i feel quite sorry for them.</p>

<p>Here the bottom line: this thread absolutely isnt a 'school A is better than school B' thread.</p>

<p>" i feel my writing too might be futile, because i don't think you're going to get the message."</p>

<p>yay, you got the point! i was only responding to a post on page one that compared fu to cornell engineering. what, is it that bad for someone to offer a different opinion to something stated on the "columbia thread?"</p>

<p>Bow chicka bow wow?</p>

uh...wrong thread. this one has nothing to do with cornell.


<p>When I wrote that yesterday I was meaning to say "why did you post this in this thread. Why don't you look at the thread 'Columbia vs. Cornell.'"</p>

if we were here to raise columbia onto a high pedestal in our "columbia thread" as you wrongly assume, we would have fought your cornell vs columbia battle. All we said was that the thread was inappropriate.</p>

<p>if you were concerned with the propagation of opinions, you would first of all have not picked up on an inconsequential detail in someone's post and blown it out of proportion (yes he put it up there not to praise fu but the characterize it as an engineering school). And if you were to disagree with his comparison (hopefully on another thread), you would have offered an explanation as to why cornell is a better engineering school instead of trying to annul poland's opinion. </p>

<p>i hoped that you would understand my criticism, but clearly you misconstrue it. So let me apply the same logic to religion so that it's clearer. I may treat the Torah as my primary source of wisedom and truth, you may choose another holy book to be yours and explain why, but for you to tell me that the Torah does not (or worse should not) do it for me would be outrageous. extreme my example may be but hopefully you understand that the former is opinion-sharing and the latter is tyrannical.</p>

<p>Your criticism was understood. but, i was (from my first post) simply pointing out that i disagree with an earlier post that held fu to be comparable to cornell engineering---by the way, that post didn't have anything to back up this assertion!</p>

<p>"if you were concerned with the propagation of opinions, you would first of all have not picked up on an inconsequential detail in someone's post and blown it out of proportion"</p>

<p>well, since when did one have to conform to a formula to be able to criticize something. For, i was not telling people what to think. I was simply pointing out that i disagree with poland's opinion and was <em>using</em> usnews to back my point up.</p>

<p>now, whether or not you find that as sufficient or even palpable evidence or not, that's one thing! but, don't say that it i don't use any evidence to support my assertion. for in doing so, as you so politely put it, you "misconstrue" what i said and my original intent.</p>


<p>1) fu wasn't said to be objectively comparable to cornell (how does it become objectively comparable anyway?) it was clearly an opinion not some theory that needs to be supported.</p>

<p>2) poland put it up there to characterize fu as an engineering school not to praise it, reread his post if you doubt that. if this is the case, then the fact that cornell was up there is an inconsequential detail, to achieve the same effect he could have said ucla, penn engineering, duke etc etc</p>

<p>(Point edited by MWFN)</p>

<p>4)once again saying "who compares fu to cornell engineering?" implies an absurdity about poland's opinion, that's what i oppose. should you or usnews dictate which schools we personally compare to others?</p>

<p>5) i never said that your theory lacked evidence, that isn't in the slightest degree what i am talking about here.</p>

<p>6) you messed up in the wrong thread, you tried to fight a war that never existed.</p>

<p>its ok guys, this is just cornells way of dealing with their inferior ivy status ;)</p>

<p>I would like to remind everyone that you should keep your comments centered on the content of the posts and not on the person making them. Such personal attacks and arguments are a violation of our Terms of Service, and they contribute to an unwelcoming environment.</p>

<p>College Confidential is intended to be a place for all members to have fun discussing colleges and the topics related to them.</p>

I would like to remind everyone that you should keep your comments centered on the content of the posts


<p>That was my point all along. This thread is supposed to be about how CC kids treat SEAS students and considering I'm applying ED to SEAS I'd like to know that.</p>

<p>it's not just a point, she's a moderator. A super moderator, in fact :)</p>

<p>I'd like to echo that: Please stop the bickering.</p>

<p>Cool, I didn't see that. </p>

<p>Super Moderator....I have a new dream. Forget getting into Columbia, I want to be a Super Moderator.</p>

<p>you can do both Karen!</p>



<p>Giddyup again!</p>