What word/words do you always use in your high school essays?

<p>I use myriad in all of my essays.
I don't know why - its always there. lol.</p>

<p>The only thing I consistently use is a Goethe reference. I love that guy.</p>

<p>I always use augment, promulgate, fundamentally, and dichotomy.</p>

<p>LOL my boyfriend uses “dichotomy” evvvery essay. I want to shoot him.</p>

<p>Uhmmm I use “multifaceted” a lot (characters in novels)… no others come to mind, but I’ll think of more later.</p>

<p>“The.” Seriously.</p>

<p>Other than that, I’m really fond of the words “cacophony” and “conundrum.”</p>

<p>Hmmm…Slew, Juxtaposition, Litany, and a ton of other ones I can’t think of at present.</p>

<p>“and” “a” “the”</p>

<p>I think use hitherto once per essay</p>

<p>the normal: the, or, and, if</p>


<p>i try to fit ‘plethora’ in whenever possible. i like the sound of it</p>

<p>I also use illuminate and delineate a lot. Oh, and “in that” has been my favorite transition for the past couple weeks for no apparent reason.</p>

<p>I love the word plethora and myraid.
I also normally will have too many of the word “though”.</p>

<p>I’m not as consistant on my word usage as I am with grammar things. I love hyphens and semicolons.</p>



<p>Ooooh, and paranthetical phrases (though I use them more in informal writing than in essays).</p>

<p>^ Ha. Same here. </p>

<p>I think my use of grammatical things just angers my teachers, since we still have to go over subject/predicate in my honors classes year after year.</p>

<p>It also makes my teachers mad that I hate writing in complete sentences. I think a short sentence without the subject/predicate sounds better a lot of the time. (Although full sentences are needed for most of it.)</p>

<p>“the Marxist interpretation…”
“fundamental flaws in the character’s reasoning…”
“juxtaposition of the two elements…”
“the paradigm…”


<p>It has been my goal to use the word “ineluctable” in every essay I write this year.</p>

<p>I’ve also abused alliteration profusely. ex: one of my college essays contains the phrase “purposes of prose, poetry, persuasion, or perhaps pure pleasantry.”</p>

<p>haha - this is off-topic, but last year my friend made a goal to wear tie-dye every day. and boy, did she.</p>

<p>^ What did she do if she ran out of clean shirts?</p>