What word/words do you always use in your high school essays?

<p>juxtapose, ubiquitous, plethora, paradigmatic, manifest</p>

<p>paradoxically.... i love that word</p>

<p>Ha, that reminds me, I love using oxymoronically as well.</p>

<p>I use more of these in conversation than in writing.
I can't have students edit my writing because I keep getting told "people don't talk that way." No, people who don't know vocabulary don't talk that way, the rest of us who actually no several sylable words do.</p>

<p>EDIT: Post order issue...this is suppose to go after beeish "paradoxically.... i love that word"</p>

<p>i find myself now using colons more in my essays. just a fun way to write i guess haha, plus it looks more professional.</p>

even though</p>


<p>Haha, Poseur, I also use "multifaceted". I first discovered it via MS Word's synonym function, and I've been using it ever since.</p>

<p>Juxtapose is also a good one, though I don't use it that often.</p>

<p>Xenophobic has also started to come up in my more recent papers and speeches.</p>

<p>In addition

<p>I just thought of it. 'Shroud.' I like to use 'shroud' a lot.</p>

<p>Oh, I just remembered the favorite word of my Junior year English class: facade. We could not get through a single discussion without that word coming up at least twice. It became sort of a joke. I tried to substitute in veneer from time to time to no avail. </p>

<p>About my friend and the tie-dye. She washed them? Her running out of tie-dye wasn't too big a problem, though. She had a LOT. She even had a dress she wore to our IB banquet. Yep, she's pretty awesome. </p>

<p>And I like "shroud" - I'll have to start using that. :)</p>

<p>Recently I've started to use the words myriad and plethora.</p>

<p>I actually don't think I've written an essay in high school that doesn't use the word "ultimately." I always have to try and limit the number of times I've used it...lol :) I end up switching it out for something like "essentially" or maybe "basically" if I have to.</p>

<p>Rofl, I use ultimately as well way too much in my essays. I always find myself trying to find a good synonym...</p>

<p>i <3 hyphen -</p>

<p>Words go in and out of fashion for me. It used to be "incidentally," and then I switched to "basically" and "thus," and by the time I went to college I stopped having pet words entirely.</p>

<p>Now I just say "o rly" a lot.</p>

<p>i use ameliorate a lot haha</p>

<p>Shenanigans. Groovy. </p>

<p>They're like magic words. I used them in my AP essays, too.</p>

<p>S likes to use "tool". He also likes using "ethos" as a way to "tool" on his former English teacher who overused the word and is, therefore, a tool.</p>

<p>"and", "per se", "often", "inevitable", "reflects", "furthermore", "perhaps"
Haha, I just had a huge paper due :)</p>

<p>"curing cancer and ridding world hunger"</p>