What you kids have to look forward to in four years!

<p>A little humor from a recent NYU grad:</p>

<p><a href="http://community.livejournal.com/nyu/2109116.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://community.livejournal.com/nyu/2109116.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>haha...bitterness is funny :)</p>

<p>wait i dont get it, is he just bitter that hes unemployed after paying $100,000 in tution?</p>


<p>uhh...i'm sorry it came out stupid, i just thought there was more to it that only people already at nyu understands</p>

<p>miche, it's just a 'joke', albeit probably not that funny to the guy himself, that I thought would make people smile. He's unemployed and $100,000 in debt. No way he would have gotten through four years at NYU only paying $100,000. That figure is his debt!</p>

<p>He went to the school of education, which in my opionion isnt worth it because you still need a masters to teach and teachers are regrettably underpaid. Unless they are professors working in lucrative universities.</p>

<p>I agree last, I just couldn't put it into words where somebody wouldn't take offense to it...lol.</p>

<p>Steinhardt is much more than just education. There are 11 departments, education is only one of them. It includes schools for music, art, education, communications, performing arts, nursing, applied psychology, nutrition, occupational and physical therapy, etc. He actually was a communications major. Regardless of that, there are students in ALL of NYU 's colleges who think it's not worth it to graduate with $100,000 in debt! Don't be too self-righteous, kids. ;)</p>

<p>i agree with matth, i was about to say that regarding lastaccntbanned's post.</p>