what's my chance at MIT....plz. i'm dying...

<p>hi kepler</p>

<p>conan is a she lol
ya lets all give her a break =)
its not like she's still nurturing her wounds or anything but its nice if we can let this post sink LOL</p>

<p>we know shes excellent and we know that not every excellent person gets into MIT =)</p>


<p>conan better be a guy. Unless:</p>

<p>1) She is the manliest guy I have ever seen.</p>


<p>2) conan got a sex change since the last time I saw him.</p>

<p>'Nuff said.</p>

<p>So Big Brother, I am a litle bit confused because I met Conan in CC Forums and never seen him in person. Is he a guy or a girl? Well, according to what you said on the last post, I guess you are just saying he is a guy, right? I think that is it, but you are confusing me, sansan, lol. :)</p>

<p>She's a gilr big brother @_@
I know her in person, and her guardian tooo..........</p>

<p>im pretty clear when people refered to Conan, they said-- XXX's daughter (XXX being Her dad).....</p>

<p>we are from the same country, same city, we went to numerous math contests together.................</p>

she just has short hair, dats allllllll...........................</p>

<p>Big brother i take that you've seen her too?</p>

<p>check ur pm @_@ lol</p>

<p>hahaha... cool, I didnt know that.</p>

<p>So you are 100% certain she didn't get in? :( Or she has not spoken to you yet?</p>

<p>By the way sansan, good luck at UPenn or Michigan! Did you get in?</p>

<p>she told me she didnt get in =(</p>

<p>That sucks!!! :(:( I am glad at least she will be a mathematician at the University of Toronto. </p>

<p>You know, that doesn't mean that after her bachelor's degree she can't try to go for a M.D or a Ph.D at MIT or another US University, or ever Cambridge!!!!</p>

<p>I hope that someday she goes to her child dream university. And lets face it, U of Toronto is not bad right? The best U in Canada! :)</p>

<p>Go "Chinadians"! Sorry, I mean Canadians! We, whatever you prefer... :P</p>

<p>ohhhhhh CAAAA-NA-DA!</p>

<p>Dude...I totally thought she was a he.</p>

<p>That sometimes happens Big Brother, I got tricked too. I think 95% of the people who have seen this thread thought she was a he.</p>

ya i understand</p>

<p>if you actually see her, its not that hard to tell</p>

<p>she's gonna have fun at U of T lol it's a cool place to be with a lot of Canadian IMO team members, as far as what i heard =)</p>

<p>I thuoght she was a he as well... but hey no worries....is she thinking asbout transfering if she can..(i know it's harder but if she show's how well she does in college then who knows?)</p>