What's the best COMP SCIENCE school in Ohio?

I’m majoring in Computer Science and I’m having a very difficult time deciding between which schools to decide on. My three options are OSU, Case, and University of Cincinnati.
Case has prestige and a well recognized name
OSU is a well known as well, I’m not sure how it compares to case.
Cincinnati has their amazing co-op program
Price is not an issue here as case was generous. I know nobody has been to all three but if any alumni or anyone can provide me with their opinion, it would mean the world to me.

Assuming you are instate for tOSU, it is still about $20k/year cheaper than CRWU with your $25k scholarship. Columbus is an up and coming tech area. Cleveland is much better than most people give it credit. UCincinnati has definitely been an improving school. I hate to spread rumors, but someone else on this board said that UC was having trouble keeping their CS faculty.

tOSU obviously has the big time sports. CWRU’s football stadium is smaller than my DS’s high school. Brutus is a nut. CWRU’s mascot looks like the MSU mascot went to a Blue Man Group show (Spartie vs. Sparty). CWRU will have a lot more snow due to the lake effect. Cincinnati has had none yet this year.

:)) “Brutus is a nut”. Thanks for the chuckle, I appreciate it.
Cases financial aid was way more giving that I had thought so its currently cheaper than the other two. Although OSU would be even cheaper if I somehow magically win their morill scholarship.

Thanks for the gossip, seems like most schools aren’t funding their computer science enough. That’s unfortunate :((

OSU and Case both offer decent programs, more or less in the same ballpark. I’d choose between those two based on fit.