<p>i need to start studying...so yeah...</p>
<p>Buy 2 Books:</p>
<p>1)Red Book for its priceless practice tests.
2)Princeton Review OR Barron’s</p>
<p>ok thanks so much</p>
<p>suggest REAL ACT…i looked over that and did a purple practice test and just got a 34!</p>
Did you just get your Feb ACT results online? What are the best tips and advice for my D, who is taking it in April for the first time? She is a junior and is just beginning to study the redbook (Real ACT)</p>
<p>^^barristerdad…yes i just got my results from the feb. act
honestly, as far as tips would suggest the purple practice tests that the ACT people give out, they really help. Use that as a tool to identify strengths and weaknesses…</p>
<p>As she is taking practice tests, have her mark any question she is unsure of and when she checks it, read the answer explanation. Even if she gets it right, it is good to know the reason why. THatt way she wont be unsure next time, she’ll be sure</p>
<p>Feel free to PM me any time
Id love to help</p>