What's the deal with the ASVAB?

<p>The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is on monday, and it just seems weird. We got a pamphlet of information, and it had pictures of soldiers in combat all over the place, and then it had some sample math problems, that were REALLY easy, such as "Find the value of x if x-3=7."</p>

<p>And then, apparently we have to have a soldier come stand in the room and remain completely silent when we take the test.
And apparently we need to know motor parts/mechanics.</p>

<p>What's the purpose of this test?!?!?</p>

<p>It's worthless unless you are joining the military, this is a military aptitude test. It is for enlisting purposes. In order to qualify for certain jobs you must get a certain score on certain sections. It's a really easy test if you try, but if you don't plan on enlisting then idk why to take it.</p>

<p>It's required at my school, so I don't really have a choice.</p>

<p>But are you telling me that if I do really well, they're gonna make me join the military? If I don't plan to enlist, should I TRY to do badly?</p>

<p>They're not going to MAKE you join the military. Relax. It's just that if you WANT to, you need to take it.</p>

<p>I find it hilarious that the people who WANT to join the military at my school are the ones who fail the test. xD</p>

<p>OMG ok so the ASVAB is tomorrow morning, and i'm completely obsessing over it. I probably won't be able to sleep.</p>

<p>There's this HUGE rumor going around among the juniors in our school, saying that if you do really well, they'll put your name on a list and trick you into the army once you turn 18, and start secretely merging your parent's taxes toward aid for the opposing Iraqi/Afghani Soldiers. And somehow they use your personal info to hack into your bank account and steal money to pay for american aid. (I'm pretty sure this is false, but IDK.)
And if you do really bad, they'll assume that you have no future, and will put your name on list, and prioritize you if the draft is ever reinstated.</p>

<p>I'm REALLY nervous about the test and I really don't want to be forced into the army. I wish I could just stay home from school tomorrow. Should I try to do really bad, or really well?</p>

<p>Ok, I wouldn't know but to me, that sounds like some serious high school bs. Don't freak about it, they can't force you to join it.</p>

<p>lol at my school they only made the lower level students take it... people in AP english were exempt.</p>

<p>You only have to take it if you are in JROTC at my school.</p>

<p>Wow.. I can say that test was the biggest waste of time ever. It asked about auto and motor stuff and I pretty much guessed that entire part.</p>

<p>The rest of it was very easy, however.</p>

<p>I refused to sign that thing at the beginning though, until my teacher said that I'd be dismissed if I didn't...</p>

<p>Hey “ansar”! You said: “I find it hilarious that the people who WANT to join the military at my school are the ones who fail the test. xD”
What is so hilarious? Do you think that all military members are stupid? By the way, you cannot “fail” an aptitude test.</p>