<p>What's the difference between a minor and a concentration?</p>
<p>From my understanding, a concentration is well, a concentration within your major. If your major is Biology, maybe your concentration is Botany. It’s just a focus within your major. </p>
<p>A minor on the other hand is usually unrelated to your major and consists of a series of courses in a particular area.</p>
<p>heres an example</p>
<p>i am majoring in electrical engineering, with a focus/concentration in computer engineering (which is under electrical engineering)</p>
<p>and im also minoring in music performance</p>
<p>so basically concentration is when you focus on a certain area within your major, and a minor is usually a different subject than your major</p>
<p>okay i understand now, thanks guys!</p>
<p>just to be specific, a minor is a series of courses in a subject, less than a major, that gives you some competence on the subject. For example, if you need 10 classes for a Biology major, a Biology minor will only need 5 classes.</p>
<p>Also note that some schools are weird and will call majors “concentrations” (i think Harvard does this), but typically a concentration is like what people said, a focus within a major.</p>