What's the ED acceptance rate at SEAS, CAS, and Wharton school?

<p>I just would like to know more about the ED acceptance rate at each separate college.</p>

<p>If you guys could post some data about this, that would be really helpful.></p>

<p>SEAS is around 33% dont listen to the old calculations made on this site a few weeks back. They were inflated b/c the numbers they used for class size were too large (didnt account for tansfers) giving schools like SEAS crazy rates like 40%+. If you look at is about 150 kids are admitted to engineering ED and about 450-500 apply each year</p>

<p>Here is a good link that gives a general idea of how many are accepted to each school:
[Early</a> admit rate down for Penn’s Class of 2007 - News](<a href=“http://media.www.dailypennsylvanian.com/media/storage/paper882/news/2003/01/22/News/Early.Admit.Rate.Down.For.Penns.Class.Of.2007-2155939.shtml]Early”>http://media.www.dailypennsylvanian.com/media/storage/paper882/news/2003/01/22/News/Early.Admit.Rate.Down.For.Penns.Class.Of.2007-2155939.shtml)
Here is a good link that gives a general idea of how many apply to each school:
[The</a> Daily Pennsylvanian - Early decision applications drop 8 percent | Interactive Feature](<a href=“http://www.dailypennsylvanian.com/home/index.cfm?event=displayArticlePrinterFriendly&uStory_id=bc0c5ff5-7822-4244-a0ca-b6edcdc827ba]The”>http://www.dailypennsylvanian.com/home/index.cfm?event=displayArticlePrinterFriendly&uStory_id=bc0c5ff5-7822-4244-a0ca-b6edcdc827ba)</p>