What's the hardest and what's the most chill course you've ever taken at George Washington?

Just for fun- What’s the hardest and what’s the most chill course you’ve ever taken at George Washington? I’ll start. The most difficult course I ever took at George Washington was econometrics. Up until I took econometrics, I was never in a situation where I was worried I couldn’t even get a D in the course. Nonetheless, I was incredibly relieved to have completed the course and did much better than I thought I would. The most chill class I ever took at George Washington was either “BADM 4801- Business Law” with Tara Radin or “Political Science Scope & Methods” with Olson. The former was a course purely taught through the Socratic and was really a class where I felt intellectually challenged yet also deeply engaged in discussions. The latter was a really chill class for me because I had lucked out and signed up for a really chill professor despite hearing rumors about how cutthroat the course was. Olson’s lectures were very clear, easy to understand and just frankly interesting. Olson’s tests were also fair game and tested material we actually covered in the course…no surprises.

The hardest class I took was probably Calc I. I took it my first semester at GW, which happened to be 5 years after I had graduated high school (I joined the Navy.) Five years of no formal education, particularly math, meant that I had forgot many/most of the little rules that the rest of my classmates knew. I struggled quite a bit in the class, having a borderline D/F all the way up until the final, when things finally clicked. I scored about a 98% on the final to net me a C+ for the class.

The most chill almost certainly had to be my fine arts course: wheel thrown ceramics. I had a really chill professor coupled with the fact that, despite being a primarily technically-minded individual, I have a bit of an artsy side. Needless to say, it was both a lot of fun and I did very well with my creations. The evening hours also helped it feel quite relaxed.