What's the maximum Merit Aid Award?

So I got the Michelson-Morley Scholarship ($27,500 / year) and I was wondering what the highest merit aid award is. Even with the scholarship, I still find Case a little too expensive. I was thinking of asking for more but I’m not sure if the MM Scholarship is the highest merit aid they offer. Did anybody get anything higher (Merit-based only)?


This thread talks about negotiating merit aid at CWRU. In short, they don’t. Most schools won’t increase merit aid. Your best bet is negotiating need-based (if you got any).

There are some full tuition and full ride scholarships, but I expect they have already been awarded. See if there are any smaller awards that you could still apply for. If it’s not clear on the scholarship page below, contact admissions and ask.

Did you apply for need-based aid?

My EFC is an abomination but I did file FAFSA, obviously no luck. I applied to some of those scholarships but didn’t get any.

Thanks, I saw that post, and even if I can’t negotiate, I am still curious on what the most merit aid CWRU gives.

For the non-full scholarship merit awards, the highest I have seen reported here is $32,500.

My DS was awarded ~ 22K. My job just informed me that they are cutting my salary by ~ 25% for this year, and likely next. Any chance that we could ask for a little more…any bit helps. I am aware that CWRU will have decline in their investments too, but this may nudge us, as every bit helps.

@decisions02139 You can try and negotiate need-based aid since your financial situation has changed, but it’s close to impossible that they would change merit.

@bopper where did you find that? Thanks for your help!

@nobelz From scrolling through posts on this forum.