Whats the minimum score requirement for taking 4 HLs?

<p>I'm a sophomore in the IB program, it's only about 3 or 4 years old so we don't have a lot of the IB economics, IB psychology, etc. that I see other people have at their IB schools. Anyways, I read that the min score you can get on all of your IB exams combined is a 24 + TOK, EE, and CAS. The max score is 45. This is what I read for taking 3 HLs and 3 SLs. What I want to know is what is the min score for taking 4 HL? I plan on doing that even though its not suggested since they say the min score is raised so you have to get >24. </p>

<p>I plan on becoming an actuary or something in the applied mathematics field or psychology. This really interest me, and I was looking for some actuarial schools (I live in the US) and one of them, for example was the University of Illinois which was "accredited as one of the best in the nation by the Center of Actuarial Excellence by the Society of Actuaries (SOA), one of only 12 such programs in the U.S. to be so recognized." Currently reading a lot of the gen ed classes requirements, they have what I'm taking now for AP and language (as I'll be taking 4 years of french and they say you can test out), so I'll basically bypass them but the problem my school wants to make is give us English HL right off the bat and when I asked why, they said "we just want to do it that way". My friends don''t really seem to care with changing that requirement, agreeing saying "English is your first language, just take it"and "that's just how it is" <--(it's kinda ironic since that one is a feminist) but to me it gets rid of one your 3 (normal) options for HL. Basically this year I'm taking </p>

<p>AP Psych (there's no IB psych)
US history honors (our principal felt that AP Euro was getting too low scores)
French II
AP Bio
Chemistry I honors
AP Statistics
English II honors</p>

<p>AP Calc AB
AP Macroeconomics
Anatomy/Physiology honors</p>

<p>These last 3 are online since I won't be able to freely take classes like these for the next two years and actuarial science requires a lot of economics and math classes which i fairly love, considering I'm taking Calculus online. I'm also in about 8 clubs and one organization out of school and I plan on joining the lacrosse team this year since I was on the step team last year and then after just focus on getting higher ranks than the VP and treasurer positions that I'm in in about 5 clubs. I plan on doing lacrosse this year and the tryouts are right now but, I'm waiting on my knee doctor to give me the ok since i was in an accident. After that, junior and senior year I'll focus more on the clubs than trying to wear out my leg. Anyways I read that Penn state is another one of those accredited schools and I'm just really confused about what I should do, I want to take 4 HL cause there are three HL classes that interest me and I'm not very fond of English which is why it makes an ugly 4th addition.</p>

<p>HL History of the Americas (so we take AP US his. junior and the real IB class senior)
(forced) HL English
HL French
(this is the only one I'm sure of) HL Math
SL Design Technology (3-D priniting, etc. seems pretty cool but it's a 12th grade class so I get at least one elective)
IB Geography (another 11th grade class with an elective 12th)
Free elective</p>

<p>Basically the design tech counts as my science and they recently this year got rid of chemistry and I don't want to take Biology for all 4 years of highschool seeing I had to take honors as a graduation requirement and I'm in AP now.</p>

<p>I might take up a programming class that's being offered next year but at the same time if I want to keep my GPA up, I'll probably take AP computer science online because an actuary that knows at least programming language has an advantage. Any comments on my very long question that went on a tangent would be great!</p>

<p>My son is a senior taking 4 HLs. We were talking about points last night. We think it’s 28 for the diploma, but he’s going to ask the IB coordinator. We were looking at this. <a href=“Awarding of the IB Diploma - Millbrook Diploma Programme”>http://mhsdp.■■■■■■■■■■/awarding-of-the-ib-diploma.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;