What's the personality of the Student Body?

My daughter is intrigued by Middlebury. I’m wondering, what are the students like? Is it a bit athletic/preppy leaning? Any thoughts are welcome.

Like most schools it’s not fair to stereotype the students, but if forced to, I’d say they’re bright, successful students who tend to be active risk-takers. Yes, you will find some preppy athletes among the others.

I agree wirh urbanslaughter in his description. I would also add that the students either are or become very environmentally concious and open to the beliefs and lifestyles of those different from themselves.
Great learning environment. Would definitely recommend taking a visit.

The students at Midd are really varied, but are generally very passionate and accepting. I am currently a student at Midd and while a lot of the campus loves the outdoors or is athletic, there really is a mix. Before coming I heard someone say that mean people don’t go to school in the middle of rural Vermont, and I’d have to say it’s true. Everyone is really interesting and nice regardless of who preppy or crunchy they may appear. There’s definitely a group for everyone, but also because it’s a relatively small school, there are opportunities to interact with people you may never have approached. In my visits to others schools (on tours or staying with friends), I’d have to say that while we are all very hardworking and self-driven, we are all really laid back and there’s really no pressure to fit any mold or go out and party in order to fit in.