<p>Hey, I'm gonna apply to CMU this fall, and im wondering how the different sections, like MCS, CIT... work. I'm still undecided on what I want to do when im done college; i might want to be a physicist, an engineer, or a doctor. Say, if i go to Mellon College of Science, does that mean I can't take computer science classes if i want to, or does it determine where I live, and can I change departments if i want to change my major. Thanks in advance for any replies.</p>
<p>At CMU you apply to a particular school, like MCS, CIT, and SCS. Your choices for majors are dependent on what school you're in, but if you change your mind, you can always try to switch schools (depending on what you want to change from/to it can be easy or hard). If you want to major in math, physics, biology, or chemistry you would be in MCS; if you want to major in engineering, CIT is your thing; and SCS is for computer science people. You can generally get into any class in any department as long as it has space (upperclassmen get priority, so it may be hard to get into intro to ECE, for instance, unless you're a freshman CIT person). Introductory level computer science classes are almost always really easy to get into, and are often required for people who aren't computer science majors; the only ones that seem to be any trouble are 300 and 400 level specific classes. Your school doesn't affect where you live at all.</p>
<p>k, thanks. Would you think that a shift from MCS to CIT or vice versa would be hard?, If i do change majors, that'll probably be my change.</p>
<p>I know a few people that switched from MCS to CIT... I don't know any that switched from CIT to MCS. Some go from CIT to Tepper though...</p>
<p>was it hard to switch from MCS to CIT?</p>
<p>You can take any classes in any school; though for popular courses the kids in that major get priority. </p>
<p>You can also double major in any major NO MATTER what major/school you are in.</p>
<p>talking about switching schools
lets say you want to switch from mcs to scs</p>
<p>Would the switch work out by the counslers looking at you're grades only...
or does there have to be space available and then they look at grades and classes taken</p>
<p>I have no idea how hard it is to switch because I started in CIT and I'm staying in CIT... However, I would assume you would need a pretty decent QPA to even bother.</p>
<p>what's QPA...?
i assume it's like gpa... but what does the q stand for?</p>
<p>Q stands for quality.</p>
<p>SISIS, they first look at the space availiable in the dept and then grades</p>
<p>ravi is correct. Many majors have a "cap" on the numbers of students allowed. First they see if they "cap" has been reached, and second they see if you're "academically qualified." </p>
<p>My friend switched from CIT to MCS this year. I know people who have switched from MCS to CIT, and even CIT to SCS. It's all possible at CMU.</p>