<p>my history teacher this year really hates my class. we're an honors US History II (juniors), and nobody has any respect for this teacher. i mean all most people do in class is talk, even during tests. besides, she's not exactly the toughest teacher around. needless to say, she hates everybody in my class except one kid. most of the class she hates because they dont behave, which is understandable.</p>
<pre><code> the rest of the people she hates (me and 2 other kids) because we are moving up into AP next year. The first semester, i had a 97 average (97, 97, 97 midterm), but this marking period, i have an 81! (and i have actually been trying harder this MP) now i admit, i did deserve SOME of the lower grades she gave me, but not all of them. but i just can't shake the fact that she just finds any kind of reason to take points off. for example, i got my new deal test back today: 51/60. i know, not bad. but its an 85, 12 pts lower than my 1st semester avg. i really dont want to go into the stupid reasons she took off points. and i also got a paper back, a paper i thought i absolutely aced. i got a 45/50. once again, not a bad score at all. but i usually get 100s on my papers. when i said out loud "how did i only get a 45?" my teacher responded (seemingly to the whole class, but in reality to me) something along the lines of "some people in this class really like to hear themselves talk. longer doesn't necessarily mean better. also, big words don't impress me" first of all, my paper was only 3 pages and a few lines, which is only 1 page longer than a lot of other people's. secondly, its not like i just filled it with useless mumbo jumbo. i actually put good stuff in there. now, i was aiming for 3 pgs, but still those 3 pgs were very good. also, i didn't use that many big words if any.
with those things, i can handle. i mean fine, maybe she may not think that those 3 pgs were top-of-the-line, which is very tolerable. but the thing that makes me mad is that the class average for the test and paper were like 56/60 and 48/50 (i'm guessing). i am at least in the top 5 in the class, and i have been actually trying (people actually ask me for studyguides). sure, i used to complain about how much work she gave us (because she gave us alot and we were used to nothing in that class), but i've stopped talking in that class in general for like the past 2 months.
i think this is the 1st time in my school that a teacher has hated a student (or students because this is happening to 2 other people) because he/she was doing well in a class. once again, it's not that i'm doing too bad, but going from a 97 to an 81 has got to raise a few eyebrows.
<p>(sorry for the long post. its just that i've been doing really well this year and this is getting in my way. plus, its the first time a teacher has hated me. and o yeah, this may be just a rant thread, but i needed to get it out.)</p>