<p>Actually, my 8th grade English teacher I think regarded me with a love/hate attitude. Hate because I blew off so much of her work and read during class because I thought she was boring, yet I still passed the tests. Love because when we did creative writing assignments she always loved my stories (and read one to her son!) and said I would become an author one day. That was at the end of the year, when everyone sort of stopped hating each other.</p>
<p>I remember my homosexual (i think) 9th grade civics teacher hating me because i was against gay marriage in a debate (although in real life I support it.)</p>
<p>as far as i can remember, i do not think any of the teachers hated me...mayb teachers back in my home country...(i moved to US in 9th grade)...i always had very, very nice teachers</p>
<p>thelittlemermaid, my religion teacher would fail u if you DIDNT ask real, challenging questions. The 1st 3 quarters we all had to go to our differnt churches (nondemnomiational school) and interview them on subjects that our school once had on a "do not dicuss" list (i.e. homosexuality, divorce, marijuana use) and then present on our churches (as well as our own) particular view in class.</p>
<p>We are currently wacthing Saved!</p>
<p>Awesome movie</p>
<p>My Bio teacher used to hate me because I had a French exchange student. She would always go on rants about how disruptive the exchange is to the curriculum, and how she wouldn't cut us any slack, and blahblahblah. The stupidest thing, though, was that I did all of the work and did turn in all the assignments in time. She was just automatically against me.</p>
<p>"thelittlemermaid, my religion teacher would fail u if you DIDNT ask real, challenging questions."</p>
<p>That sounds more like my religion teacher from last year...he wouldn't fail you, but he would if you didn't listen/participate in class enough to pick anything up. The class was basically run by challenging questions and debates surrounding them. I miss it so much, but next year I get to take philosophy taught by the same person.</p>
<p>This year's religion teacher,I think, doesn't know enough to handle the questions. He works strictly out of the book. Which is why he hates me...</p>
<p>(Btw this is a Catholic school, so religion is required.)</p>
<p>When I was in pre-K, I had a teacher that hated my guts. This boy said I had shoved him and she took his side over it. She told me to go sit in the corner and I refused because I had done nothing wrong. My mom was in the building getting classes to learn English and she made my mom come get me. Later she found out the boy had lied and had to apologize to me. She hated me after that. I hated her too. And then later I really <em>did</em> shove that kid, but then the teacher just thought he was lying again. ^_^ </p>
<p>Every time I did something, she was watching me. When we were learning to write our names, she put our names on cards and we had to identify them. My friend was having a lot of trouble and I was trying to help her, but the teacher sent me to the corner for it. I had to go to the bathroom once and the classroom had a bathroom in it. I didn't run towards it, but I was in a hurry. I got sent to the corner for that too. Every time she gave awards, I never got one. =/ Before kindergarten started, she talked to the woman that was going to be my new teacher. She told her I had an attitude problem and was a poor student. -_-</p>
<p>one day my english teacher was talking about the presidential address and she asked about opinions. i raised my hand and called the address a joke. she completely lost it: "don't you ever talk our president in that manner!"</p>
<p>let's say i lost some favor from that point on (she wanted my opinion...)</p>
<p>Y'all are funny. I seriously doubt teachers indiscriminately (or even with reason...) hate students. Not getting an A doesn't equal being hated.</p>
<p>I don't think it matters if you get an A or not. Teachers are people too and people don't like <em>everyone.</em> There are always people they'll dislike.</p>
<p>in art class i tripped over the cord to the lamp and it fell and the bulb shattered. my teacher is still mad at me.</p>
<p>I'm not sure if any teachers have ever really hated me <em>knock on wood</em> I wouldn't be suprised if my math teacher last year didn't like me, because I helped organize a protest against his policies (everyone hated him), and it turned into this whole big war, but he acted like he liked me, maybe because I was one of the only ones who actually paid attention in class and respected him, to his face.</p>
<p>Well, I don't think she actually hated me, but in eighth grade my friend draw a lady stick figure with bewbies on my eraser, and I was using the eraser in english. And since I was sitting in the front right next to the overhead, my teacher saw it when I was using it. I was like, "oh, crap.." She kept looking at me funny for the rest of the year. Really really really really embarrassing though.</p>
<p>Hahaha. Lady with boobies on an eraser? XD Nice.</p>
<p>my current geometry teacher hates me since I solved all the puzzles he gave on the first day....can't believe that! He hates me so much that he makes me test grade lower by any way. Once my class found him too obviously unreasonable. Guess what he said: "I don't want to give u mark for that. So what?"</p>
<p>I had a lot of problems with my old school district not liking me...mostly because it was somewhat corrupt and the PTA (who were all moms that knew each other from a certain temple) and my dad wrote an angry letter to the principal and the administration.</p>
<p>The most memorable story I have though is the teacher who wouldn't let me read all the competition books because she didn't think I could understand them. She also told another student I was too stupid to join her academic team when I was invited on one. I happened to have been about 10 feet away when I heard this.</p>
<p>I seriously regret never confronting that teacher. Not having very high self esteem at the time probably contributed to that though.</p>
<p>Nickel, of course they're human. That being said, they're professionals, and this whole "they hate me for being smart" or for whatever other reason, most of the times, is bull.</p>
<p>You would think so, but that's not true. I know some teachers that <em>hate</em> being wrong and will hate you for pointing out their errors. I don't think they like knowing they went to college and someone so much younger than them knows more. And you make the mistake of thinking <em>all</em> teachers are good at their jobs.</p>
<p>I gave my 7th grade teacher a book on teaching... :0 </p>
<p>Honestly, teachers get annoyed with me. They'll mark off something, and I'll go prove to them their wrong. (Particularly in History and English.) Then they get embarrassed. My online Pre-cal teacher gets really mad when I point out an error though.</p>
<p>I have a civics teacher that can't stand me b/c I answer to many of the questions she askes</p>