<p>I can't imagine your teachers hating you for answering questions if you're doing it politely. Honestly, the teachers I've talked to about this (we have nothing else to do in English class and I like talking to my Euro teacher) said that the only reasons that they can simply never stand a student is if the student makes it obvious that they feel they are better than the teacher.</p>
<p>There's a difference between saying "teacher, this is right and you took off points and I want them back," and saying "teacher, you marked #n incorrect, but the way you explained it, I feel like I was on the right track. Could you take another look at it, please?" The first makes you seem like a grade-grubber with a superiority complex.</p>
YES! I have the same problem. I am a straight A student, and I usually have an average of about 97. This year I got a 87. My reading teacher absolutely hates everyone but 2 people in my class, and she gives way better grades to them, even if they did horrible on things we do which are called “blog posts”. In our blog posts, we had to write about oppression in a neighboring country. I chose Saudi Arabia for mine. I wrote 4 paragraphs, as which we are supposed to do. This one girl did 1, and she got full credit, wherest I got 20/24. I had way more detailed opinions than her, and way more information. This girl maybe slapped this together at 12:00 AM after a party where she got drunk. She even spelled common words wrong like “the” and “with”! She spelled them th and wit. NOT ONLY that happened, but now she is even going into grades. I even did all the extra credit, and this girl did none, and she still got a higher grade than me.