<p>Cornell! Or Wash U, Stanford if I can get in, Johns Hopkins.</p>
<p>Yale, WashU or Berkeley</p>
<p>michigan, usc, ut austin, claremont mckenna... id b happy at ne of those 4+penn...</p>
<p>hopkins or washU</p>
<p>Penn_dreamer: are you in maryland? i'm applying to CP too, but i really dont wanna go there cuz everyone from my school goes to cp.</p>
<p>poor gemstone bastards</p>
<p>Stony Brook. If I don't get into a top tier school, I would rather take a gap year and apply in a year but my parents are gonna flip out!</p>
<p>Brandeis, ill probably apply there early II if i dont get into Penn</p>
<p>I really hope meng accepts me it's a pretty sweet culinary arts school</p>
<p>That or the Minor6th school of intervals and pain
but mainly pain</p>
<p>Or perhaps the CC school of how to be an utter tool which most people on here obviously graduated from, with honors</p>
<p>Pitt or U of Rochester</p>
<p>Haha! You're funny JCoveney! You and meng cheng have a promotional arrangement I see! lol :) Isn't she in the Penn brochure...? (omg! If she is that means I read the intl. brochure waaaaay too much...CCs turning me into an obsessed person! :))</p>
<p>meng is a boy though! wahaha
everyone thinks he's a girl</p>
<p>no everyone thinks he is a boy, atleast i do</p>
<p>i'm a dude</p>
<p>HA meng is a girl don't let her fool you. Just a very misogynist one...</p>
<p>The best thing to do if you don't get in is kill yourself. It makes a statement like you won't believe.*</p>
<p>*This is not true. (perhaps a kerry-esque 'botched joke') Do not kill yourself because you don't get into Penn. It could lead to my getting sued. And if you MUST kill yourself, wait til you're at Cornell.</p>