What's with the meningitis thing?

<p>I live in North Carolina and I was just wondering if requiring the official immunization is a common thing for Texas schools. My mom and I are scrambling to get a copy. Just curious.</p>

<p>It’s a law in the state of Texas for all colleges to require students to get the immunization. It was enacted two or so years ago? I think.</p>

<p>Most colleges require immunization records. Do you mean they require an official (from doctor’s office) form as opposed to self-reporting. We had to get official forms from girls doctors for colleges in SC and VA. Meningitis has been recommended for quite awhile for college (or summer camp) bound kids. Required at both colleges Ds attend.</p>

<p>Three years ago a boy died from meningitis. He lived off-campus and at that time it was only required for on-campus. Now they require it for all students. It was so sad. By all accounts he was a great person - very involved at A&M.</p>

<p>There is a state law that requires all students at Texas state schools to be inoculated against meningitis except in particular circumstances. They only require your immunization record if you are accepted and choose to attend.</p>