<p>If a teacher has already submitted a rec letter form online for your EA or ED colleges, and you suddenly for whatever reason realize you hate this teacher and don't want his recommendation to be seen by the rest of your colleges, is it already too late??</p>
<p>i mean he sent it online, and everytime i add a college, his letter IS STILL THERE and i can't delete him, Common App won't let me because they say he's already submitted.</p>
<p>No matter how many versions i create, I just can't get rid of him!</p>
<p>So what should I do? Ask colleges to disregard his letter? Have they already seen it since it's online and it's submitted by him alreadly? Like everytime I add a college, do they automatically see this teacher's rec letter adn my counselor's letter/school report, or do they wait to download it from the online database or wathever till after i've submitted my part? because obviously the paper ones just go directly to them...but online ones, maybe i can ask colleges not to download the teacer letter part...</p>
<p>^i don't think so. colleges have to download it physically. otherwise, for example, i add a hundred colleges to my My Colleges thing and it shows that every single college has received his letter. but that isn't actually true, since the colleges have to go on and download the form in order to have it. just me adding them is not enough.</p>
<p>The teacher said he has already submitted recommendation in common application. How can I know which college it was sent to? (My s already submitted common application to one college before the teacher sent recommendation online.)</p>
<p>Dont worry! YOU choose which teacher rec' you send to which college. So lets say for instance you request 5 teacher rec's...YOU ASSIGN the teacher(s) to each individual college...look at the bottom of the page...</p>
<p>Teacher | You have not selected the first required teacher.
--Select-- </p>
<p>Teacher | You have not selected the second required teacher.
--Select-- </p>
<p>simply dont assign that particular teacher to any college :)</p>