When are we able to view our fin aid?

<p>i cant find where to see our prospective fin aid because that would help me decide on which school i would go to so if anyone has a link can u post it here?</p>

<p>i believe i've read somewhere around the middle of april....</p>

<p>I just talked to a Financial Aid Rep. and he menitoned that we must wait till the 14th to view the final numbers online. As far a the Cal Poly Scholarships go, they aren't disclosed until July.</p>

<p>Are the financial aid stats online yet?</p>

<p>Financial aid is now on the internet for people to view. Go to Cal Poly's homepage, than down at the "Quicklinks" box go to financial aid. From there it will tell you how to view your award.

<p>Just viewed my finacial aid...what is a Federal SEOG Grant? I have one for $750.</p>

<p>all i got were a bunch of loans....when does the scholarship for the essay we wrote come out?</p>

<p>I believe if you won anything it would appear on your financial aid summary. I have a scholarship for $1000 in my financial aid.</p>