<p>How many moog finalists are there, btw??</p>
<p>There are 8 finalists, there were 800 applicants.
I am sorry, I cannot answer your question about last name (my last name begins with G, though)</p>
<p>ST2- would you say that the Rodriquez or the Danforth have finished notifying yet or do you think they still have calls to make?</p>
<p>Arrgh, I’m almost tempted to call admissions. EIGHT FINALISTS!!! They probably called 8 people (as opposed to the double digits of some scholarships)… hoping for a miracle</p>
<p>yes, they did call 8 people, all those called are invited to the weekend (and thus are the finalists).</p>
<p>Rosarita13 - given that it is the weekend, I don’t know for sure. But i would immagine the only people left to be contacted in those catagories, were people who they could not contact yet.</p>
<p>Great…that’s depressing :(</p>
<p>Maybe one of the other two.</p>
<p>So, people that are “Scholars” finalists are invited to Scholars weekend I’m guessing? Does this mean academic fellowships finalists are notified differently?</p>
<p>ST2, to continue the thoughts of dpattzlover and Rosarita13, do you know if all calls have been made for the Compton/Pathfinder scholarships and/or the University Scholars Program? (Just clutching at a very, very thin thread of hope . . . )</p>
<p>ok… I dont usually feel comfortable posting this, but I’ll give some info.</p>
<p>White Male close to NYC
SAT: 2270 (CR 740, M 770, W 760)
SATIIs: US 720, Math II 780
GPA: UW 3.98, W 4.5
-Nat. Honors Soc, Pres. of Nat. French Honors Soc.
-3 Sport Varsity Athlete (Cptn 2 of them)
-Multiple Indiv Awards, State-Champ Team (Soccer)
-Pres. of a few clubs, member of about 2/3 others
-one of 2 leads in school musical, sing in Men’s and jazz choir
-Community service with temple (3 year board member and I help organize a carnival each year)
-Highly involved with architecture (internship, independent studies, special projects w/ HS principal)
Recommendations: Very good
Essays: very good, worked hard to put a unique spin on each one</p>
<p>Hope this helps and good luck to your son!</p>
<p>do you know if they are making phone calls right now?</p>
<p>btw, newprov, great stats! You deserve it! My s is kind of close to that, (no athletics though)…</p>
<p>thank you wustlhopeful</p>
<p>you’re welcome…hopefully, my son will see you that weekend (if we get a call)</p>
<p>I had “better” stats than that
They must’ve not liked my essays lol</p>
<p>It’s hard to beat that :)!
Oh goodness, I just want to know, for his sake. It’s his #1 school, and we can’t afford WU without a merit scholarship. Financial aid isn’t really an option.</p>
<p>WUSTLHOPEFUL - Don’t be too sure about your statement that “Financial aid isn’t really an option.” You might be pleasantly surprised at how flexible financial aid can be at WashU. Remember that besides merit only aid, there are various scholarships that are a combo of merit/need in addition to the need only aid. Make sure you talk to financial aid before making any decisions.</p>
<p>Well, I received the Danforth call today. Looking through this discussion, seems like Moog is out too, so that’s one I probably am not getting haha. Oh boy.</p>
<p>Congrats to those who are invited to the finalist weekend though. Hope to see you there =]</p>
<p>I can only hope you are right, ST2; but, judging by our numbers, it’s an astronomical chance. We’ve heard back from a couple other random schools and no help from FA…I’m not too sure that WUSTL’s much different…</p>
<p>kasiiaaa: what time did you receive the call? Very recently?</p>