When can we sign up for Orientation

<p>and also has anyone signed up yet?</p>

<p>I read that the dates will not be released until April.</p>

<p>I checked this site for last year's orientation notification posts and IU started about the first week of April to send notices to make reservations. I think you can't sign up for orientation until you have paid the $100 enrollment fee, so I would pay it at least a few weeks before April to keep things running smoothly.</p>

<p>This site is has some links for new students.
H2O</a> Hoosier Help Online, Indiana University Bloomington</p>

<p>Also, I would try to sign up for an early orientation if possible.</p>

<p>The reason is simple--the early the orientation, the better the choice of classes (and class times). Those that take a later orientation may not get a class, or might end up having to take the class they want at 8 AM or 6 PM instead of the preferred 9 AM to 4 PM time slots.</p>

<p>so, do you know around when orientation is? what week choices, etc?</p>

<p>Here's how it worked last year:</p>

<p>Starting in early April, official Orientation invitations were mailed out to those students who paid the $100 enrollment deposit. The sooner the deposit was paid, the sooner the Orientation invitation was sent. </p>

<p>There were more than 40 sessions throughout June and July. For some reason, June 6th sticks in my mind as the first session date offered. However, each date is not available to everyone. The online system will know your specific circumstances like whether you are an honors student, a DA to a specific major, etc. There are special dates for some of these circumstances.</p>

<p>You have to register for Orientation online, and as Calcruzer said, the earlier the better, if you want the most class choices. </p>

<p>My son's session was on June 13-14th and he did get the schedule that he wanted (after digesting a lot of advice from CC!)</p>

<p>One final note on Orientation: They suggest you stay in the dorms that night at a charge of $25. My son was planning on it, but the dorm was not airconditioned and there really was no good reason to stay there. By his choice, he stayed on campus for the planned activities until around 10pm, then we picked him up and took him back to our hotel for a good night's sleep. Logistically, if you do want to stay in the dorm, get there early so you can sign in for your room (a separate line) and put your stuff in the room then. Otherwise, it is a hassle to reconnect with your parents to get your stuff later in the day, and the lines are a lot longer then.</p>

<p>Thank you, IllinoisMom2006!
I appreciate your input.</p>