When can you apply to A&M

<p>I went to a college fair yesterday and A&M was there. All the people who represented A&M were graduates and they said you could start applying the end of your junior year. I was really curious so I tried calling for information to check and see but I couldn't reach anybody at the time. I just wanted to know if this was true .</p>

<p>The women who said it were like '77 graduates and they seemed really serious about it and they were telling everyone that they could apply at the end of junior year. They weren’t just a bunch of kids straight out of college. Also how difficult would it be for a kid with a 3.0 but a 26-29 on their ACT? I got a 26 the first time but I’m going to take it again. I struggled freshman year with my grades.</p>

<p>Texas A&M did have early admissions Junior year in the 80’s…but not now. Applications open August 1st of Senior year. Are you in the top 10%? Then your ACT is fine. If you are in top 25% you will need a 30, with a 26 in English and Math. GPA doesn’t really matter, but class rank does. Otherwise you get put in review admissions…that can take forever, like till March…and nothing is guaranteed. Good luck! A&M is so worth it!</p>

<p>Alright 1 more quick question. I go to an accelerated private high school out of state. When I mean accelerated I mean our basic class textbooks such as basic chemistry are actually the public school textbooks used for average chemistry. Most of my class has a 3.5-4.0 GPA. I lacked reading and math skills they required for their classes so I got put in basic algebra and basic chemistry when in reality I was doing the EXACT same work my friends in public school average classes were doing. I really have improved over 2 years and I’m ranging in like a 3.3-3.6 average quarter GPA right now. We get a lot of homework and exams and learn MLA format of research papers the 1st week of 9th grade. Alot of people I know in a school down here literally do NOTHING and have like 3.5 gpas. I’m not kidding when I say nothing. I hang out with them all the time. Would they just right me off because I was in “basic” classes even though I’m in an accelerated school?</p>

<p>Check out the admissions website, there is so much info there. A couple things, if you are OOS the top 10% thing does not apply. I think basic classes are fine as long as you meet the “distinguished plan” requirements (4 english credits, 4 math, 4 hist, 4 science, 3 foreign language). If you are in review category, then you need some “hook” about you that makes you stand out to the admission guys…</p>

<p>Is a track runner with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis a hook? I’d pretty much say that is one of the really unique things about my activities. I’m also involved in the school spirit organization possibly taking over the presidential position next year and I am in FBLA possible officer position next year as well. I really want to do something with marketing possibly? For sure in the business area though. I am also doing an intership before I apply.</p>