When Did the OOS Scholarship Update Last Summer?

<p>Just wondering about any possible changes, and keeping my fingers crossed that there will be none. </p>

<p>Not sure about last year, but I recently e-mailed Amber Capell about this year. She said they hope to have them posted by July 1. They weren’t updated when I checked earlier this morning, but hopefully they will be before too long.</p>

<p>It was August but I can’t remember the exact date.</p>

<p>what is OOS Scholarship?</p>

<p>Out of State</p>

<p>thanks. </p>

<p>The Alabama website has been updated to reflect scholarships for 2015-16.</p>

<p>Good to see the Scholarship requirements have remained the same. I will forward this information to our local high schools touting the virtues of the University of Alabama as a substitute for our in-state Flagship Universities.</p>