OOS Scholarship Question

<p>Hi everyone, my daughter is a junior in high school and Alabama is among her top choices. Just have a question about the out of state scholarships - I have looked on the school website and see what scholarships are available for certain SAT scores but my question is - if she has the needed SAT scores and applies for the scholarship, is it automatically given or are there select students that get them? Thanks for the info - we have a disagreement about this and I am curious to see who is correct! :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Automatic! :)</p>

<p>Yay, I’m right!! :slight_smile: Her argument was that her boyfriend had a high enough SAT score but didn’t get a scholarship. He apparently didn’t apply…but ended up not going there anyway. That is great news - she already qualifies from taking the SAT for the first time, so hopefully she will be able to raise her scores a little and get an even better scholarship!</p>

<p>I’m not sure what the boyfriend did. did he apply or not? If he did apply, but applied after the scholarship deadline, then he would not get it. also, if his GPA was too low, he wouldn’t get it.</p>

<p>She says he did apply, so maybe it was too late. I can’t imagine it was a GPA issue but who knows.</p>