<p>Those of you who have been accepted for next year, or are freshmen this year, or even later, when did you apply?</p>
<p>Since this is our top choice, we want to apply ASAP. Do you find out you get in early if you apply early? I'm not talking Early Decision, Early Action, or any of that fancy stuff. Just regular old application: I want to go to your school, please consider me for a scholarship.</p>
<p>Also, when is the earliest you can apply for housing?</p>
<p>Hi there, Montegut!
As for us, my daughter had all her stuff in by November 1st or so. Many of her other schools had rolling admissions so she had been working on all her applications throughout Sept. and Oct. For PT, the deadline was Dec. 1st.
There is no EA or ED at Marquette – the priority deadline is Dec. 1st. That’s especially important for Ignatius scholarships, too. Applications after Dec. 1st are more on a “space permitting” basis.
All decisions roll out mid to late January. You do not hear any earlier than that no matter when you applied.
Housing stuff comes with your acceptance. Unlike other schools, you do not need to get housing stuff in early. All housing applications that come in by May 1st go into the same random draw – no “first come, first served.”
Hope that helps.</p>
<p>Yes, very much! Definitely want to get in in time for Ignatius eligibility. Any others require earlier apps, like the alumni? We’d like to apply for that one as well, although it will be for the national club, which will probably be more competitive.</p>
<p>Also, heard mention of a Magis scholarship. What is that?</p>
<p>Thanks for the housing app info. Was especially nervous about that.</p>
<p>What about those midterm breaks? Can you stay on campus? Do you have to move your stuff out?</p>
<p>Do you have to move your stuff out at Christmas? I figure you do at summer. Is that right?</p>
<p>Once accepted, do you have to be invited to participate in the scholarship competitions?</p>
<p>We don’t think we’ll be able to visit before then, but would like to check out the dorms while we’re up for the scholarship competition, if possible. Glad we can apply for housing after that.</p>
<p>So, you pretty much know by February if you’re in or not, just have to wait on FA?</p>
<p>We have lots of friends applying to Wash U and others this year, and they’re still waiting just to hear if they’re in, much less aid. Bless their hearts.</p>
<p>Actually, I think the scholarships that require applications, like the Alumni, have a later deadline – maybe Feb. 1st?. You will receive literature from Marquette outlining all those, including the dates of the scholarship competitions. The Magis is tacked on to an Ignatius and is for community service.
Definitely kids stay over for fall break – dorms also stay open at Thanksgiving and Easter. Dorms close at Christmas and Spring Break. Here’s a link:
<a href=“Office of Residence Life // Marquette University”>Office of Residence Life // Marquette University;
Nothing has to be moved out at Christmas or any other time until the end of the year. (I think there was a room inspection right before Christmas and the refrigerator had to be emptied and turned off, but that was it.)</p>
<p>Pretty sure the club scholarships, and the full tuition app scholarships had a Feb 15 deadline this year. The Magis (meaning <em>more</em> in Latin, I have learned) is, as dbwes said, for community service, things like that. son2 got and extra $3000 there. The nicest thing I have noted throughout the process is Marquette’s admissions/housing policy. It says right in the brochure to NOT send the money unless you are sure you want to go there (non-refundable), but you are given plenty of time to get your FA offer, think it over, see if it’s financial doable, and then send in the housing deposit–without losing any first come first served spot. We have deposits at all the other schools that will have to be refunded if things work out at Marquette.</p>
<p>The other full tuition scholarship I was thinking of is the Burke:
* Family residency in Wisconsin
* High school seniors
* High school rank at or near the top 10 percent (when applicable)
* ACT composite of 28 or SAT of 1200
* Demonstrated commitment to others as shown through volunteer time and effort in service to others
* Demonstrated leadership in school, community organizations, parish activities, athletics, etc.
* Interview required of finalists</p>
<p>Congrats on your daughter’s RA! What a nice thing for all of you.</p>
<p>I have a question on the essays for the application. My daughter is getting ready to apply. We are supposed to use the common application or the Universal Application, but then I found a page on the Marquette website under application tips that had Marquette essay questions. [Application</a> Essay Questions | Marquette University](<a href=“http://www.marquette.edu/student/ugrad/applicationquestions.shtml]Application”>http://www.marquette.edu/student/ugrad/applicationquestions.shtml)
Are these essay questions in addition to the essays on the common application or universal application. It is somewhat unclear. </p>
<p>nkl811, I had exactly this question a week ago.</p>
<p>We were at Marquette earlier this week for the info session and were told the new app would be online in “a couple weeks.” The slide projected at that moment showed an application with a Marquette logo, making it look quite MU-specific, and not very common-appish. I was mystified by the website’s reference to the common app but figured I’d wait that couple weeks and check back.</p>
<p>I am also unsure what app to use. Thanks, Beast, for the info. Some colleges are putting their apps on line August 1st, so wonder if that’s the same with Marquette. Hope you had a good visit!</p>