<p>^ Does it really matter how much you’re getting paid?</p>
<p>Around five months ago. I’d say it but it’s extremely competitive and I don’t want CC competition when I apply six years from now xD</p>
<p>For a while I was fascinated with roller coasters and it was my dream to go to into engineering and design them. Then in 7th grade I realized I sucked at math, so I decided I wanted to manage an amusement park. As time went on I realized how unrealistic that would be, but I still want to go into management or somewhere else in the business field.</p>
<p>tl;dr 7th grade pretty much.</p>
<p>I’d say how much you get paid is important. I want things in life and those things don’t come cheap. XD</p>
<p>^ I wouldn’t make that my number one goal when choosing a career though.</p>
<p>It’s definitely not the first factor in job prospects. I could be a doctor, but, to be honest, I couldn’t care less about making people healthier. But salary is a deciding factor in what job I’ll go into because I want to be able to support myself and my mom, my family, save money for retirement/education, and frivolous items. I can’t do that based on dreams/passion. I say pick a job in something that interests you and pays well.</p>
<p>I see what you mean though.</p>
<p>doctors don’t even make people healthier really, which is an approximation to the sad truth. since the 1930’s life expectancy has gone up 7 years. is that worth paying all the health insurance your whole life so you have to work longer, just to hopefully get a handful of extra frail years at the end of your life? I’m not sure. </p>
<p>but doctors do give people warm feelings of comfort and security i think :).</p>
<p>It sounds bad, but it’s sadly true. I’m just not that sympathetic. Another sad truth is that’s the reason I’m not going into biomedical engineering.</p>
<p>@enfield I have no warm feelings and security to give, though. I’m pretty sure I’d be a watered down version of House. Much watered down since I’m nowhere near as cynical as he is.</p>
<p>I don’t see the correlation between the two.</p>
<p>They’re indirectly related.</p>
<p>How does doing research in a lab about improvements in health care technology and other things of the sort relate to being sympathetic?</p>
<p>Personally, they’re indirectly related. Plus, me saying I’m not sympathetic was in response to my other post.</p>
<p>Niquii, I agree that money is important. Let’s be honest, quality of life is improved with more money (yeah, I know that psychology shows that it doesn’t improve after $70kish). When you grow up not having enough money, it makes you want a more leisurely adulthood with less worry. IME, though the plural of anecdotes certainly isn’t data, most kids who say they don’t care about salary/job prospects tend to be wealthier - they haven’t faced hardships brought by a lack of money and thus can’t grasp the concept of not being able to afford things they need/want. So, no shame in admitting that you want money.</p>
<p>I disagree that you can’t go into a profession like biomedical engineering because you don’t want to help people. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. If you like the job and do it well, in most cases whatever you’re doing will help someone, somehow. I disagree with the premise that just because you are going into a healthcare/related field you are “helping people.” You are doing you job for a salary. “Helping people” would be providing free/low cost services, extra time, starting a charity, etc. If you’re just doing your job, then that is that.</p>
<p>I definitely agree with this. I’m from a single parent household. We’re not struggling but we certaintly aren’t throwing dollars at whatever we desire. It’s made me more aware of what I need to do to achieve what I want. No shame here. </p>
<p>I asked myself yankee’s question and I went on a couple sites to look into biomedical engineering more. I found a lot of things that appealed to me and, happily, I found things outside of creating organs/bone replacements.</p>
<p>I left out a great deal of details above mainly because of laziness and a headache. I didn’t want to go into biomedical engineering because you had to construct devices that would mimic/replace bodily functions. I’m thoroughly creeped out about hip replacements or stuff of the like so I’d stay away from that part of biomedical engineering and probably work with machines.</p>
<p>I’m not really all that sure yet… I’m all over the place. I’ve narrowed it down to possibly:
~eye doctor/optometrist(sp?)
~music education/choral director
~music business (work for recording company, etc.)
~math/English teacher
~hostage negotiator (that one came out of nowhere XD but seems interesting)</p>
<p>I actually clicked on this thread to possibly have the enlightening moment of “THATS WHAT I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!” XD Oh well, I’m only going into9th grade… I’ll figure it out.</p>
<p>I realized that Quantitative Finance was for me when I realized that as much as I loved engineering, I couldn’t spend the entirety of my life being a code monkey, and when I read the Finance section of Wall Street Journal…and enjoyed it.</p>
<p>I have yet to discover that. I really don’t know what I want to do. Some on CC would call that foolish and I wouldn’t deem that answer wrong enough for me to prop up a rebuttal.</p>
<p>Up until middle school I always wanted to be a movie producer (because I’m a glory/spotlight hog.) Then I realized that film didnt interest me at all. Then till 8th grade I was flipping between career ideas.
Around February of that time, I took an interest in Law/Government/Politics. I started watching CNN all the time, and reading all these wikipedia articles on international conflicts and politicians’ biographies, and reading about trials, etc. And now as I’m entering my sophomore year, that’s stuck on me. I still keep tabs on all political situations. I’m probably gonna study Politcal science and then Law school. That has stayed constant, but the way I want to implement that education changes often. I have all these broad political aspirations, but at minimum will probably end up working for the District attorney,possibly becoming the DA eventually.<br>
It does help reassure me that so far I’m the only person on CC to have an interest in Law/Politics. That means I have a somewhat easier playing field than the potential lawyers</p>