<p>I'm a rising sophomore, and while I still have time, I was just wondering when all of you CC'ers realized your career. I have no idea whatsoever but I'd love to here your personal experiences :D</p>
<p>when i found something that i thought was important.</p>
<p>I knew I wanted to help people. When I realized my love of science (specifically biology and anatomy) I realized that I wanted to pursue medicine (this was in 8th grade).</p>
<p>Halfway through 9th grade. I always knew i wanted to help people , my parents sent me to a law magnent school but i took more of an interest in the science and math classes and not my law classes (I got bad grades to boot). </p>
<p>I think Medicine is my future but if not I’ve always loved Psychology</p>
<p>It seems like everyone wants to become doctors, such as myself lol. </p>
<p>I discovered that I wanted to become a Veterinarian when I was in the 9th grade. I don’t know why I choose this career, it just came out of no where and I strangely fell in love with it ever since. I’m also thinking about Pharmacy too, but getting a DVM is my main goal.</p>
<p>I discovered in 9th grade that I want to be in a career that deals with environmental planning and policy and finding new ways to cope with environmental issues.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m another hopeful future doctor over here! It was REALLY unexpected. I’ve always been squeamish, not into science, and despised dissection day, but I figured it out halfway through 9th.</p>
<p>I found a love for Biology in one of the greatest teachers I’ve ever had. She helped me get over my dissection fear and realize there was a lot more to science than what I’d learned in middle school. I thought I would be a biologist or scientist at first, but one day it just came to me. I told my family and friends and everyone agreed that that seemed to be my calling.</p>
<p>My sister’s almost graduating college and she still doesn’t know! It’ll come when you least expect it.</p>
<p>Late first to second semester this past year (my junior year) I decided I want to study business (CPA for sure, possibly MBA if I can’t find a job whenever I graduate… gotta get into college first though :). </p>
<p>I seem to parallel my father in so many ways… Aside from looking like him and being pretty much as tall as him (6’2.5"), I’m going to have had the same grades as he did in HS (we will both have only had As, but there
weren’t honors or APs at his school back then). I don’t know how much that helped, but it’s a good feeling going to be valedictorian like my dad (my class size is only 32 though, but the top few are all within .1 of a point, and all above 4). With that being said, I give all the praise to
God and am thankful for any success in high school… Don’t know where else I would have gotten the strength or drive. </p>
<p>Still need to decide on which colleges to apply to in the fall and raise my SAT a good deal from a 1960 XD, but I know what I want to do, and I would say a lot of it came from observing my father (hmm also realized my grandpa on his side was an accountant, so I guess its generational).</p>
<p>Anyone else interested in something similar to their parent’s jobs?</p>
<p>My mom was a nurse (she’s still registered, can’t find a job… :() and in elementary school I wanted to become a nurse just like her.</p>
<p>Last summer. I decided that I wanted to travel around the world healing alpacas for the nomadic tribes (primarily in the Andean region of South America).</p>
<p>I think its great that so many people want to be doctors, since there is great demand and of (ALL) the people that want to be doctors. I believe CC hopefuls are more likely to not be weeded out.</p>
<p>Gonna bring my puppy to FV in the future
<p>In 7th grade, I knew I wanted to be a mathematician. I always enjoyed math and knew no matter what I ended up doing in life, it would involve a bunch of it.</p>
<p>MBAs are traditionally done after a few years of work experience. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to be accepted to an MBA program right out of college. You would need a convincing reason, like already being highish up in a company or something.</p>
<p>I still don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t buy the “doctor = helping people” argument, but I may want to go into medicine for the love of it. My true passions lie closer to screenwriting/audio recording, but alas those may not be practical professions to pursue.</p>
<p>Well, there’s a demand for doctors in family medicine and general practice, but I feel a lot of CCers would prefer to be specialists.</p>
<p>Anyways, I thought I had a lot of my career figured out. But then I started reading biographies of successful people and watching documentaries about career moguls and such. I’ve always wanted to do something business oriented, but now on a much broader scale. I’m pretty much going to see where things take me. I’ve always wanted to be a commercial real estate investor, but I have a great book idea and such.</p>
<p>In essence, not limiting myself to think with just one in mind.</p>
<p>I’ve always wanted a career in medicine… both of my parents were in that field, so I’ve been exposed to like… all this medical terminology and stuff ever since I was a kid. I remember I knew what a sphygmomanometer was when I was seven. The nurses were surprised, to say the least.</p>
<p>Lol thanks Weeknd.</p>
<p>I just knew from the beginning that I wanted to help people and since close members of my family have heart problems I knew I wanted to be a cardiologist…LOL 13 years of school but it’s okay (It’s funny because I hate science but whatever)</p>
<p>I figured this all out in the 6th grade btw.</p>
<p>Hmm. I think I’ve known that I’ve wanted to be an engineer for a while but wasn’t sure what it was called. So probably around 7th or 8th grade that I realized it. Right now I think I want to study ME, but there’s some other engineering branches that are pretty interesting too.</p>
<p>Took me a while and a lot of changes, but I think about halfway through this past year I really thought about it realistically. Sure, there were things I wanted to be, but I didn’t really know how to even become them (like uh, UN Ambassador or diplomat?).</p>
<p>But I guess i’ve wanted to become a nurse for a while, I just didn’t know it. Now that I think about it it seems perfect for me, haha, I love taking care of people. I just don’t know if I want to work with children or in a psychiatric setting.</p>
<p>(rising senior here btw.)</p>
<p>When I started playing bassoon a little over a year ago. Then I added flute, clarinet and saxophone. I knew I wanted to be a musican. But then I discovered that it’s highly unlikey to get a well paying job in that field. So now I want to be a psychologist</p>