When did you get offers from colleges - NHRP?

<p>Hello! My guidance counselor received word that I had received a high enough PSAT score to be a National Hispanic Scholar and my GPA is acceptable. I was reading other threads about NHRP and people said they received offers from schools because of their NHS status. I was wondering if anyone could tell me when they began receiving these letters. Typically, I don't even read the letters I get from colleges because they all pretty much say the same thing, but I don't want to miss anything.</p>

<p>Its covered on the main threads–see the “start here” notes, but quick reply answer is the letters go to schools and you if you get the NHRP letter in late Sept. or early October. That is when I have heard that colleges will come forward with a congratulatory letter and show interest if they have any in you. Thing is, by that time, if you have shared your PSATs, SATs, and grades by checking the appropriate boxes with college board then the colleges already should be showing interest but apparently the NHRP wakes a few up that maybe were not paying attention, so it’s a very good thing, especially if you are willing to go to a shool offering big scholarships, which you can also read about in the main “sticky” threads done by the founders of these threads…in case I miss somebody I will not say who they are…:)</p>

<p>BTW, on NOT reading the letters you get from colleges cause they all “say the same thing”. Well maybe now they do, but I would be sure to save the letters from schools on your A list and a couple on your B (safe) list so you can log on to the web sites with the ids they offer you and register to get bulletins etc. Its a process and if you do not take part in it you will be doing yourself a disservice. i.e. expecting offers from schools based on an NHRP is one way to pick a college but I would leverage the NHRP to get into the best college you can afford and that shows strong interest in you Good luck!</p>