When do classes end BEFORE Spring Break?

<p>Are there scheduled classes NEXT FRIDAY 3/9? </p>

<p>I am trying to get my son to Atlanta on 3/9 but the only train leaving Tuscaloosa is at 12:44PM. (Cost is $44) My son has class on Fridays until 12:50. DS sent an email to his prof to confirm but with campus closing early due to weather, I am hoping someone here knows the answer. </p>

<p>My son is still looking for a ride to I-75 anywhere near Atlanta next Friday night. If classes are still being held, he can’t leave campus until 1:30PM at the earliest. </p>

<p>I found a shuttle from BHM to ATL that leaves Friday around 5:15PM. Does anyone have room for my son? Assuming he has class until 12:50, he could leave campus as early as 1:30PM. He just needs to be at BHM before 4:45PM.</p>

<p>classes are typically held on school days. : ) you have the choice whether to attend or not. labs you typically can’t miss. others, it is a personal decision on whether you can afford to miss or not.</p>

<p>my daughter has lab til 6 on friday. it won’t be cancelled. she has a plane sat. morning.</p>

<p>it shouldn’t be that hard to find a ride to atlanta if he tries.</p>

<p>The academic calendar on the UA web say:</p>

<p>March 9-16 Spring Holidays (begins 5:00 p.m. March 9)</p>

<p>[Spring</a> 2012 Academic Calendar | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://registrar.ua.edu/academics/academic-calendars/spring-2012/#tab=tab-1]Spring”>http://registrar.ua.edu/academics/academic-calendars/spring-2012/#tab=tab-1)</p>

<p>here is the first post on the rideshare page.</p>

<p>Julie Gyurgyik
to cleveland ohio on friday the 9th, trying to leave by 2:30 but somewhat flexible
passing through bham nashville louisville cincinnati and columbus
message me if youre tryin to get a ride</p>

<p>Classes are typically held on Friday unless the instructor mentions otherwise. I contacted my professors before the semester started asking if I could miss class in order to make a flight and it was fine with them. It turns out that my Friday class was cancelled anyway, so I’m only missing one class.</p>

<p>There is an airport shuttle leaving at 2PM on Friday that should arrive in time for him to catch the shuttle to Atlanta.</p>

<p>thanks Mike!</p>

<p>you’re welcome. : )</p>